And one thing, can you please sign the guestbook? I've taken a long time over this site (and there's definitely more to come!) so it'd be nice if you'd just leave a message telling me what you think of it! Then, I can make any improvements. Thanks!
Also, I hate to say it, but, feel free to take any pictures. I got them from lots of different sites across the net (that reminds me, if I took one of yours tell me and I'll credit you and link to you, and sorry!) and I don't mind if anyone takes them. That even applies to the ones I had to bend the spines of my own books for *sob*
The Main Characters
Kamui Shiro
Fuma Monou
Kotori Monou
Dead Characters
Pre-Raphaelites and Manga - a small thesis
Manga-by-Manga Synopsis
The Log
And, if you're brave, there's the Bloody Sakura e-mail too!
Awards I've won
Awards for you to win