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Little Flower

Steel hook 1.25mm (BATES 9)
cotton thread Melchior, Perladura No.10

Thread size:
50 gr.=200m

Finishing Materials:
Tapestry needle

Finished Size: 3.5 cm diameter

Little Flower


Rnd 1: 5 ch, join with a sl st.

Rnd 2: 12 sc in round, join with a sl st to first sc.

Rnd 3: 6 ch, *skip 1 sc, 1 dc, 3 ch; repeat from *; join with a sl st to first dc.

Rnd 4: (1 sc, 2 dc, 1 tr, 2 dc, 1 sc) in each loop; join with a sl st to first sc. Fasten off and secure ends.

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