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Cat-Tea Corner



Cat-Tea Clips

Pages and pages of clip art with cat themes and tea themes.

Cat-Tea Clips© are linkware, requiring a linkback if you use them!

Free for personal and not-for-profit (non-commercial) use only for web sites and other online and off-line purposes.

Commercial users, both online and off-line, please contact us for terms before using any of these images.

All users must post a prominent linkback or credit to Cat-Tea Clips© on their web sites or other materials.

Send us your URL to list here under our Web sites decorated with Cat-Tea Clips.


Cats 3: Black and white images.

Please note:
If you arrived at this page direct from a search engine or other web site, please see the Cat-Tea Clips home page for important information about these images.

Please! If you use our images, we ask that you add a link back to this web site: Cat-Tea Clips© at . Or use one of the linkbacks on the Cat-Tea Clips© home page. By using any of our images, you agree to place a linkback on each page where the image(s) appear, or you may place the linkback prominently on your Links page. Be a good netizen!

To download, place the mouse pointer over the image and click the right mouse button. Select "Save image ..."

Cat and dog

Froggy cat

3 catsSweet kitty

Line cat  Butterfly kitty


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Cat-Tea Corner

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All materials contained herein Copyright ©1997-2006 The Cat-Tea Corner/JPB unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved. For design or reprint information please contact the webmaster.
This page last updated 12 August 2006