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Photo Gallery: Romania


Note: All photos are copyright protected. Please do not download any of these images. Contact the webmaster for reprint permission. Please be a good netizen!


Part of the original fifteenth-century citadel that protected the city, above. (June 1998)

The main street and town square, below. (June 1998)

The beautiful home of Teatrul National (the National Theatre), above. (June 1998)

Scenes from the Botanical Gardens (top to bottom): a display of begonias near the entrance; a serene spot; the biggest water lilies we've ever seen, about three feet (1 meter) across! (June 1998)
The ultra-nationalist -- some would say crazy :-o -- mayor of Cluj-Napoca is well-known for his anti-Hungarian sentiments. He has gone so far as to paint all the benches in town with the colours of the Romanian flag. This, along with many other provocations, does little to ease the simmering tensions between the ethnic Romanians and the ethnic Hungarians who make their home throughout Ardeal (Transilvania), including a large population in Cluj-Napoca. It also proved problematic for poor Stefan, who wouldn't sit down anywhere because he couldn't bring himself to put his b*** on his nation's flag! (June 1998)

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This page last updated 27 July 2004