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Let's build a cathedral of love
Where this world's care
  can never enter
Where this world's pain
  will ever cease
Where tears and fears
 will find no harbor
And free from worry
 we can breathe
And there we can
 no more remember
The hurtful words
 we've heard and said
For as we enter by the doorway
We shed our weights,
 forgive, forget
And as we're standing in the hall
Which opens up unto the sky
There is no place for hate and strife
Here we can lose ourselves and sigh
Then, as we kneel down by the altar
We quietly consecrate our life
Without pretense as if we're naked
And become one, as man and wife
For it's indeed a sacred chamber
Where our hearts meet and entwine
And it is true holy communion
When your heart melts as one with mine
Now we will always be together
Though earth divides our path in time
The wind will blow us like a feather
Until we move again in rhyme
For hearts who yield to love and longing
No demon breaks the silent spell
A greater force binds us together
In love we find the highest will
And so it rises to the clouds
Emblazened with celestial glow
For light fills every cavern in it
Peace and life from it will flow
It stands so firm upon this earth
Yet reaches to the Heavens above
Please take my hand, open the door
Come, enter,
 our Cathedral of Love
Colin Bell
Copyright:     Colin Bell
Copyright for pictures:  Johnathon Earl Bowser   (used with permission)
Created with The Print Shop Web Site Designer.