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The silvermoon - it struck your heart
Shone the reflection in my eyes
And now I am a blind man
Stumbling about without your light
Oh, would you keep on shining
So I can find my way
Instead without you I'd be pining
And walk in darkness all the day
The silvermoon - it struck your eyes
Shone the reflection in my heart
And now I am deadly wounded
When you and I will stay apart
Oh, would you keep on shining
Your love into my heart so deep
Or will I be a wanderer
Seeking forever without sleep
The silvermoon - it shines so strong
And yet it is so far away
You're dancing in the silvermoon
It keeps my heart from roaming 'stray
Oh, silvermoon keep shining
To keep me on my way
And keep on dancing in my heart
Reflecting moonlight's every beam
Until while bathing in its stream
We'll lose ourselves and become part
Of silvermoon's reflected light
Two moonbeams dancing in the night
Colin Bell
Copyright:     Colin Bell
Copyright for background picture:  Elf Girl   (used with permission)
Created with The Print Shop Web Site Designer.