Best Friends Background Set
A friend of mine asked me to make a purple set. Well, as much as I love purple, that was easier said than done! But then I found this cute picture and thought it might look good on a purple background. I hope you like the result! And thank you Jenny for the suggestion!
Making buttons for this set is easy if you have the right software. You will need Paint Shop Pro and Eye Candy to create the effects. Here's how you can make the text on the buttons.
First, you will need to create a gradient for the text. I used the following colors: foreground #F4E9EF and background #FDE9B3. Just make the style gradient, fore- background fill or create a new fill, using these colors.
Then add the text you want, using the font Cooper Blk BT, size 16 or a font that looks like this one. You don't need an outline, so make sure that is disabled. When you have the text where you want it, go to the layers menu and click convert to raster layer. Now you can add special effects to your text, which wasn't possible before.
Go to effects, plugin filters, eye candy and then select gradient glow. For this set, I used faint white, which you can select in the settings menu. Click on the basic tab and set glow width to 7 pixels.Click okay and there is your button :) You can always move the text around with your mover tool until you like how it looks.
If you don't have the software, please fill out the form and I will gladly make buttons for you. Enjoy!