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Survey Says....

First write your name, age and nick-names too!
Murat-Jon G.(dont even ask) Suer
Turk,Pimp,Turkey,Peps,Man-Whore,Jonny,Jonny-Boy,and 'oooohhhh JON!'
1) Which of these pop bands would you rather be in and why?
-S Club 7, N'SYNC, 5ive, Backstreet boys, Spice Girls or All Saints
~~~~~~~ s club 7 cause them chicks be so hot..
2) What is your fave thing to do on the weekend?
~~~~~~~ sleep if my parents would ever let me sleep, party and chill w you guys of course.
3) Name one thing you could not live without
~~~~~~~ friends
4) What is the weirdest thing you've done recently? when you were a kid?
~~~~~~~ well today,, Please dont ask why..i went to the bank and I talked to the teller in an accent and she thought i was southafrican..
as a child.. my mother once told me I bit into a glass when i was learning how to drink..and i broke it and cut my lip..
5)What is your fave band/artist/song?
~~~~~~~ Faithless - God it a Dj
~~~~~~~ Kim Lucas - i wait (you know the one)
~~~~~~~ DJ_alice - better of alone
6) Are you looking forward to graduating?
~~~~~~~ honestly NO.
Why or why not?
~~~~~~~ Cause we will all be going our sperate ways and the work in Universaty is soo much harder.. :(
7) Do you have a secret talent? What is it (do I dare ask...?)
~~~~~~~ You will have to get to know me a *little* bit better..lets just say I do 20 tongue push ups a day...
8)Who in the crew is the most likely person to be on Jerry Springer?
~~~~~~~ EVE!!! "Today On THE JERRY SPRINGER SHOW" - "Teen Pedifiles"
9) What do you think these people will be doing in 10 years?
Eve:Running a small business......."whore training"
Sara: Working on her second divorce settlement for a large sum of $$$
Jen: Writting a book about our high school life...
Jon:-- wealthy retired pimp?
Sam: still in school going for her second phd for sexual conatation
Steph: I could see her as a DJ. dunno.
Celia: DEAD
Conor: Owns a pet store..
10) What is the best way to tell a guy/girl you like them?
(no....this isn't a personal question..hehehe)
~~~~~~~ Honestly I liked my idea.. Put a rose in their locker. (dont you think so eve? :) hehe
Who thinks Jen is laughing RIGHT NOW????
~~~~~~~ and yes jenny is about to pee her self (AGAIN)
12)Who here would actually do one of those "weird things to do when in an elevator.." things? Which would you do?
~~~~~~~ i have no idea what you are talking about.. why cant youride the elavator like normal ppl?
13) What do you think you'll be like when you're 85?
~~~~~~~ Hottest 85 yr old out there.. Ill be real bitchy and say stuff like "why dont you cut your hair, HIPPIE!"
14) Do you hate or love snow. Why?
~~~~~~~ a little bit of both.. TOO cold, but nice scenary.
15)Fave cartoon show:
~~~~~~~ Only one? Hmm Dragon Ball Z
16) Would you rather live without TV, books or music
~~~~~~~ w/o TV ... and you all answered what i woulda said so read theirs and it goes double for me
17) Fave school subject:
~~~~~~~ Drama ( when im not dressed as a girl)
18) Name one person you really don't like at York Mills:
Aaron.. uhh Cindyvania? fucking idiot. and this chinese kid who mouthed off to me today.. ass hole
Who do you think is the hottest person at YMCI?
~~~~~~~ Theres 2.. in grade 10 i think.. the britney vs pam chick.. OHHH SO HOT.. and another blond girl... .. "come to daddy!!"
19) What are you afraid of (an actual thing/object if possible)
~~~~~~~ the dark. SHUTUP
20) Do you have a phobia?
~~~~~~~ yes, that ill be single all my life and die lonely
21)Are you a slob or neat freak?
~~~~~~~ Niether, in the middle i geuss..
22) Have you ever forgotten a friends birthday?
~~~~~~~ all the time.. but I always make up for it
23) Fave animal?
~~~~~~~ cows! MOO.
24) Is it more upsetting to see a person die (on TV) or an animal die on TV? why?
~~~~~~~ Not if its special effects.. but i would say person.. cause you might have known the person.. or something along those lines
25)What instrument(s) can you play?
~~~~~~~ Piano (grd 2), Drums (if you can call it playing)and the air guitar
26) Do you like to be alone, or constantly around other people?
(I know someones gonna answer kinkily...)
27)Whats the worst thing a person would have to do for you to dump them as a friend?
~~~~~~~Steal.. my girl. and be back stabbing
28)Do you believe in ghosts? why or why not?
~~~~~~~ yes cuase my house is haunted
29)Do you make up funny code names for people so you can talk about them without others knowing? (darling.....hehehe)
~~~~~~~ all the time.. I mean the last time i heard any of you refer to me as Jon instead on manwhore or pimp has been ages!
30) If you could go back in time to any age, what age and why?
~~~~~~~ 70's when no one gave a shit about anything and free love and drugs and the whole deal.. that would be cool.
31)What is the one sentence you say most often?
~~~~~~~ Can I get that on Video Tape? oR Thats a kick in the face
32) Is tape or glue better? why?
~~~~~~~ Tape cuase it comes off!
33) Who here still owns barbies/action figures? and who still occasional plays with them? (Jon...........:)
~~~~~~~ NO COMMENT..
34)Which "Friends" character do you think you are most like? why?
(Monica,Rachel,Phoebe,Joey,Chandler,Ross...or Marcel, Ross' monkey?)
~~~~~~~ Chandler.. .... Bing!
35) If you could be on any TV show, what would it be?
~~~~~~~ That 70's show or dragon ball Z..yah that would be great
36)Fave season: Summa.. NO SCHOOl. BIKINIES, HOT TUBS.. ahhh summer,
37) Who out of the crew makes you laugh the most?
~~~~~~~ Hmmm..Everyone
Jen- cause she just whack
Sara - cause she is always talking about guys
eve - cause she is always talking about little children and her stalkers(suckker!!)
Sam -she is silly as allways
Steph - need not say more
Conor - the way he scares the living shit out of all yaz when he jumps from behind
38) Fave holiday (Xmas,easter etc...) Xmas.. new years parties!
39)Best present you've ever gotten:
~~~~~~~ Not sure.. Actually a bottle of tequila and a bb gun ,,santa clause brought it for me!
40) Say you're dating a SUPER hot guy/girl who has a great personality.IF that person got into an accident and was HORRIBLY disfigured, would you still date them for their personality, or dump them?
~~~~~~~ If they had a good personality then id stay but if the reason i hooked up with them WAS there looks.. I dunno..
41)Would you ever get plastic surgery? If so, what kind?
~~~~~~~ Yah.. they're having a sale and the plaza 25% off enlargments
42) What is your fave food?
~~~~~~~ Chocolate.. and Milkshakes..Mmmmmmmmm (and that whip cream undergarment thing from Vasity Blues... )
43) Name one thing you would change about yourself:
~~~~~~ get rid of my chubbyness and my eyes.. i would want them to be blue or something exotic like that..
44)If you were a porn star (and some of us are...), what would your name be? (a la Dirk Diggler etc)
SunnY Delight??
45) and last but not your fave thing about each of these people
Eve:Her ghetto stylz,and the way she doesnt take no bullshit! but always fun to be around unless in a mood swing.then RUN FOR THE HILLS!
Jen: She always listens no matter how many times I say the same thing over and over and over and over and over.. See what im saying?
Sam: The way she is always in the best mood and never mad at someone for long!
Jon:what can i say his amazing good looks, his style... what a hunk.
Sara: always Fun to be around,, and knows a certain someone.. heehe
Steph: Her car! No No steph is all around great person who has extreme party connections..
Conor: the only other guy in the crew.. HEY THIS IS MY TERRIOTY!