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*- - - ok nail polish. well personally i hate nail polish! Most expesally RED!
So if you want so real advise on nail go to: well i don't know, ask Jamie, or
Amanda, they like nail polish. No no, i'm just joking.

*- - - Ok while i'm at it. Eye liner... first you need a good eye liner pencil.
Colour... if you have fare skin you should get a dark brown NOT black,
because it may be to harsh! Basically mark little dots close together
along your eye lashes. Then connect them. These dots help you make your
line straighter, and gets between the eye lashes!

*- - - K. while I'm at it how about Mascara?... The same as eye liner, fare
skin you should get a dark brown NOT black! When appling start from the
inside corner and work out ward. Also It is better to have sevral layers
of thin coats, than one thick coat. So knowing this try to wipe of any
extra for the wand onto a tissue.