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It pretty easy to make yourself a pretty dolly. Just follow the insttructions below.

1. Drag the images around the screen by holding the mouse button over them, clicking, and moving them where you want. The box provides space to assemble your doll, but you don't have to use it.
2. Scroll until your dolly is in sight.
3. Look down on your keyboard, see that little button right next to F12, the one that says Print Screen? Press it.
4. Open up your paint program. Paste by clicking edit, then paste, or Ctrl+V. A screen shot of the dollmaker should apear. Crop until only your doll remains.
5. Save your image. If you want to use your image on the internet, save it as a .gif . If you are just printing it out, save it as a .bmp, it'll look brighter.

Click here to goto the Prep Maker