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Fourteenth Journal Entry (07.04.02)

I'm in London.
Ja Rule has moved in next door. He has a lot of bodyguards. I wish I had bodyguards. I don't really need them but they'd make me feel pretty important. Oh. Party in the Park. That's what we're all here for. I'm getting pretty excited.

Yeah I got sick. Really sick for a week or so. The voice disappeared. But I've never cancelled anything in my career so this past weekend was not the day to cancel CD:UK or Re:covered. Emergency doctors were consulted. Bizarre medications administered. I sang ok on one show and pretty darned good if I don't say myself on the other (hint hint the cover's show..) The day was long, tiring and I seriously didn't think I'd get through it but I do have the sweetest most adorable loving fans in the world. Thanks so much to all the wellwishers... especially you Maggz. UK fans rule! Thanks for my Sea Monkeys.. my Star Wars toys.. the cards.. the hugs.. the smiles. You got me through it. Now I'm feeling almost 100% and I'm going to kick ass on Sunday and possibly even kiss some.

That's about it really. Gotta go sleep. I'm a happy pappy at the moment.



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