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Purchase Wood Working Plans

Karen MacDonald
Creekview Designs
198 Leitches Creek Rd.
Leitches Creek,N.S., Canada B2A 3Z3


Purcasing the plans to create these exquisit mantle pieces yourself...................................... Individual Item Plans: $4.00 US($5.99 CND) + $0.65 US ($1.00 CDN) Shipping & Handling........................................... Entire Group of 6 Plans: $13.00 US ($19.99 CND) + $1.30 US($2.00 CDN) S&H.......................................... Send us a check or money order, care of Karen MacDonald. Also include your mailing address, e-mail, and the selected plans you wish to purchase....................................... Note: The copyright will be licenced to you for your own personal use, not for sale or distribution. Thank you for your interest in Creekview Designs! Be sure to check up on new items and designs on this website.