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Oil on Silk Canvas. 4 feet x 6 feet. The Potent One. Forces of creation reproduce from the vast sea of living imagery that are born in the collective experience of our soul. He strides through life as a giant, leaving his imprint in all living things. He passes and does not stay. He fertilizes and leaves as other properties of nature dance the dance of life.

Gabriel: Detail


Oil on Silk Canvas. 4 feet x 6 feet. The Messias, the souls of Just Men made perfect. The ultimate state of human evolution on the soul level, this Archangel is less a personality than a representation of an ideal state in the collective conciousness. While it is exalted of men to aspire to this, He presides in dominion over the lowest of the hierarchy of Archangels, over the Earth. He is in nature the four Elements, and is known also as the Laws of Physics.