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Pencil. 11 inches x 14 inches. Bacchus or John the Baptist, Sagitarian nature is one of polar opposites, very much into the world and all its sensational wonders or withdrawn from it in another world far removed. The struggle to balance this tendency goes back and forth. There is no resolution in either one, being extremes, the blend is best.


Pencil. 11 inches x 14 inches. Taurus is the nurturing womb of Mother Nature, which can be supportive and firm or clutching and posessive, never letting go. She is beautiful and full in her appetites, loves to be surrounded with images and reflections of her self.


Pencil. 11 inxhes x 14 inches. Pluto is the Lord of the underworld, and his power is the slow relentless crush of the unconsciousness pushing out into conscious expression, like lava from a smoldering volcano. This is an irresistable force, the force of life and death seeking rebirth and reformation constantly. This power is never at rest, percieved by the intuitive mind to be fluid and unable to support a solid foundation. It reveals the necessity of being willing to evolve, not to become static. Form is fluid, there is nothing solid and permanent.