U Dekalendu, svako dete je medju svojim igrackama imalo "sinu". To je,
zapravo bio metalni obruc sa bureta ili sa tocka seoskih kola. Sinom bi
se uglavnom leti rado igrali, kotrljajuci je i trceci za njom, po debeloj
seoskoj prasini, koja je prekrivala put. To je vrlo jednostavna zabava
i jedino pravilo je bilo da se sina sto duze zadrzi u pokretu.
Kada sam bio
u Dekalendu, morao sam da idem bos, jer sam dosao sa rolerima na naogama,
a nisam znao da tamo ne postoji betonska staza pogodna za voznju. Ispocetka
mi je bilo tesko, no navikao sam se da idem bos. No, i ostala deca su s{la
Tako bosonogi,
posli smo na obalu Dunava, nedaleko od sela,gde je postojao jedan
stari dud na cijem deblu je bila mala koliba. Ne znam cijih
je ruku delo i ko je tamo postavio,ali odatle su obicno kretale sve decije
pustolovine i tu su se zavrsavale. Stari dud cuva mnoge tajne i kada
bi samo znao da prica... a mozda je i bolje sto ne zna.
Sa tog mesta
je bio nabolji vidik. U krosnjama starog duda smo se osecali mocno, jer
smo nadgledali okolinu, a u isto vreme bili skriveni od pogleda.
Nije vazno sto niko nije ovuda prolazio. Mi smo bili skriveni za svaki
Uz obalu Dunava,
u blizini naseg skrovista, rasle su vrbe i topole na cijim krosnjama su
ptice gradile svoja gnezda. Pnekada je bilo toliko mnogo ptica, da su gotovo
citava jata stanovala na jednom drvetu. Mi smo iz obesti ili iz zabave,
skidali pticja gnezda, pogotovo ako su u njima zivele vrane i takmicili
se u tome ko ce se popeti na vise drvo i skinuti veci broj.
Medjutim, posto
su se deca ovim "poslom" bavila svakoga dana, vec je bilo ponestalo gnezda
u nasoj okolini. Recno ostrvo zvano ada, je po ovom nasem pitanju bila
netaknuto, jer se do njega tesko moglo doci, odnosno preplivati. Ada je
za nas bila velika tajna, velika zelja i veliki izazov. O adi su se prepricavale
mnoge tajanstvene price o njenim nevidljivim stanovnicima, sumskim ljudima.
U ove price su deca verovala, a odrasli su ih sa razlogom izmisljali sto
neverovatnijim i strasnijim, zbog toga da se neko od dece ne bi usudio
da prepliva Dunav, jer je okolina ade bila puna virova, vrtloga
i brzaka, pa je bilo opasno plivati u tom delu. No, ko zna mozda
su ti nevidljivi stanovnici ade i postojali. Niko ne moze da tvrdi suprotno,
jer ih nije video. A kako bi ih video ako su bili nevidljivi?
Pored obale
je stajao alaski (ribarski) camac, koji ovoga puta, nije bio privezan,
vec samo prislonjen i jednim delom pramca izvucen na obalu.
Kada smo ugledali
camac, svima je "pala na pamet" ista misao.
Ada! Ada je bila nas cilj. Ne mogu
da kazem da nas nije bio strah, ali zelja za avanturom je bila jaca.
Kao pod komandom usli smo
i poredjali se na dve klupe koje stoje naslonjene na bocne strane camca.
Medjutim, camac nije mogao sam da krene, a mi smo se svi gurali da zauzmemo
najbolje mesto. Camac je bio prepun decurlije i dvojica od nas
su ga pogurali, pa kada je celom svojom duzinom camac
bio na vodi i njih dvojica su uskocili. Najstariji medju nama imao je dvanaest
godina i on je uzeo veslo i poceo da vesla, ali se camac uglavnom kretao
u krug. Nismo ni znali da je toliko tesko biti "kapetan broda". Izgledalo
je mnogo lakse kada se gleda sa obale ili kada te neko drugi
vozi. Medjutim, ovo nas je zabavljalo. Svi smo se smejali, salili i lepo
provodili. No, ipak smo poodmakli od obale toliko, da je dubina Dunava
bila prilicno velika, ali se niko nije plasio, jer nismo ni shvatali
sta se sa nama desava.
Ova nasa plovidba,
po svoj prilici nije trajala duze od deset minuta, nismo se odmakli daleko
od obale, ali mi smo imali utisak da plovimo Dunavom cak do Crnog Mora,
jer mi nismo ni znali da postoje okeani, a nismo znali ni sta je to Crno
More i svako ga je zamisljao na svoj nacin. Da budemo iskreni, ja sam znao
sta je more, ali me niko o tome nista nije pitao. Camac je za nas bio kao
veliki, beli trgovacki brod koji je povremeno prolazio Dunavom pored sela,
na cijem jarbolu se vijorila ruska zastava i kojeg deca nisu propustala
bez pozdrava, a on je takodje odpozdravljao jakom brodskom sirenom.
Zaista nismo
ni primetili da se iznenada digla strasna oluja. Nebo se smracilo, sivi
oblaci su se spustili na povrsinu vode. Vetar je poceo da duva orkanskom
jacinom i da kovitla vodu, vazduh, prasinu i sve sto bi mu se naslo
na putu. Camac je poceo da se ljulja. Zapravo, camac nije ni dodirivao
povrsinu vode, on je, moglo bi se reci lebdeo iznad vode i talasi,
koji su postajali sve veci i veci odbacivali su ga cas na jednu, cas na
drugu stranu. Nastala je vriska, cika i plac. Medjutim, niko nas nije cuo.
Cvrsto smo se drzali za stranice camca. Jedan snazan udar, bacio je camac
u pravcu pescanog spruda gde smo se samo na momenat nasukali i usled
ubrzanja poispadali iz camca jedan preko drugog. Tada je strah dostigao
vrhunac. Mislili smo da se nalazimo na dnu reke i da je sa nama gotovo.
Ali, nakon par gutljaja guste, prljave, hladne dunavske vode, shvatili
smo da smo samo bili prekriveni dzinovskim talasom. Nasli smo se na pescanom
sprudu, sa kojeg smo i krenuli na plovidbu. Bili smo premoreni, mokri
i preplaseni.
Najstariji medju
nama nas je brzo pokupio izvukao iz vode i poveo dalje od obale. Kad smo
se sabrali, videli smo prvo da nema camca. Njega je voda odnela dalje od
obale i kroz oluju se nije moglo ni videti na koju stranu.
Tada smo shvatili
da smo na sigurnom, da nam zivoti nisu ugrozeni i skupljeni jedan uz drugog,
zakljucili smo da nam, nedostaje jedan decak.
Nastao je tajac.
Taj decak se zvao Joca i uvek je pravio probleme i zapocinjao kavgu, ali
kad bi primetio da je ugrozen, on bi pobegao. Zato su ga, kao kukavicu
svi izbegavali. Upravo i toga dana, on je sa nama posao nepozvan. Bacao
je kamencice na nas dok smo se penjali po drvecu, a mi smo njega gadjali
pticjim jajima.
I pored svega,
kad smo primetili da ga nema, uplasili smo se. Zaboravili smo da se sa
njim nismo slagali i ozbiljno smo se zabrinuli. Mislili smo da je ostao
u camcu ili da ga je odvukao neki talas ili vir. Medjutim, ni pored najbolje
volje da se setimo, do koga je u camcu sedeo, nismo uspeli.
Na kraju smo
zakljucili da je on, posto je bio placljivac i kukavica, za nama zaostao
i najverovatnije nije ni usao u camac. No ipak smo, kada se oluja malo
stisala, pretrazili svu okolinu. Posto ga nismo nasli, trkom smo krenuli
prema selu. Trcali smo iz sve snage bez reci, u pravcu Jocine kuce. U njegovu
kucu se iz pravca Dunava moglo doci sa zadnje strane i mi smo tako
utrcali u njegovo dvoriste, koje je posle kise i oluje i bujice, bilo prekriveno
blatom. Joca je bio bos i gazio blato po dvoristu. Stali smo. On je pogledao
u nas. Nije nista shvatao, a mi mu nista nismo govorili. Bilo nam je lakse.
Nasa avantura se ipak srecno zavrsila. Jedino sto sam ja morao da bacim
svoj vokmen, jer se nakvasio dok sam se spasavao iz prevrnutog camca. No,
nije mi zao, jer je avantura bila nezaboravna. I tako su baterije bile
istrosene, a ja nisam imao gde da kupim druge, jer niko nije znao sta su
to baterije.
Nismo uspeli
da odemo na adu, ali i da smo otisli, pitanje je da li bi smo videli
"sumske ljude", ako su nevidljivi kao sto tvrde upuceni, pa bi smo se mozda
razocarali. Ovako je bolje. Neka oni i dalje zive na adi i skidaju gnezda
sa svojeg drveca, a mi cemo se vratiti u skroviste na starom dudu.
Olivera Jelkic
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In Grandpaland, every child, among other toys, had a "hoop". That was a
metal hoop taken off from a barrel or a wheel of a cart. Children mostly
played with it during the summer, rolling it and running after it through
the thick dust which covered the country roads. It was a very simple and
fun game with only one rule to keep it rolling as long as possible.
When I was in
Grandpaland I had to go barefoot, for I had come on roller blades and I
didn't know there were no concrete roads good enough for roller-skating.
It was difficult at the beginning but I got used to it. Other children
were barefoot, too.
We went to the
Danube bank near the village where an old Mulberry tree grew. There was
a little tree house on it. I didn't know who had made it and placed it
there but all of the children's adventures started and ended there. The
old mulberry tree kept many secrets. If only it could talk...maybe it's
better it couldn’t.
That was the
place with the best view. We felt very strong at the treetop because we
could observe the surrounding area and stay hidden at the same time. It
wasn’t necessary because nobody passed by, but we were hidden just in case.
Along the Danube
bank, just near the hiding place, grew willows and poplars on whose tree
tops birds built their nests. Sometimes there were so many birds that the
entire flocks occupied a single tree. We pulled down their nests as a flick
or just for fun; especially if the crows lived in them, and competed to
see who would climb the highest tree and pull down more nests.
However, since
we had done this "job" daily, soon there weren't many nests left around.
River island was untouched by us because it was too hard to reach, actually
to swim over to it. The island presented a great secret and a huge challenge
to us. Many mysterious tales were told about its invisible dwellers, the
forest people. Children believed in these stories and adults had a good
reason for making them even more amazing and terrifying. They wanted to
prevent children from swimming over the Danube because there were many
whirlpools, maelstroms and rapids around the island, so it was very dangerous
to swim there. Then again, who knows, maybe those inhabitants of the island
did exist. No one could claim the opposite, because no one had ever seen
them. But how could they be seen if they were invisible?
There was an
untied fishing boat near the river, this time only leaned on the bank with
its bow partly out of the water.
When we spotted
the boat the same thought crossed our minds.
The island!
The island was our goal. I couldn’t say we weren't afraid but the desire
for an adventure prevailed.
As under command,
we went in and sat on two side benches. However, the boat couldn't move
by herself. We were all pushing each other for the best seats. The boat
was crowded with children and two of the boys pushed it and jumped into
it when it was fully afloat. The oldest of us was twelve and he took the
oar and started to row, but the boat mostly went in circles. We didn't
know that being a "ship captain" could be that hard. It seemed much easier,
looked from the shore, or if someone else did the rowing. However, it amused
us very much. We were all laughing, joking and having a great time and
yet managing to get far from the shore where the Danube was very deep,
but no one was scared because we didn't realize what was happening to us.
This cruise
of ours couldn't have lasted more than ten minutes since we didn't get
too far, but it seemed to us that we were sailing down the Danube all the
way to the Black Sea. We didn't know that there were oceans, well, we didn't
know what the Black Sea was either, and so every one imagined it in its
own way. To be honest, I knew what the sea was, bud nobody had asked me
about it. To us the boat was like the big, white merchant ship occasionally
passing our village, on which mast waved a Russian flag. Children never
missed the chance to salute it and she saluted us back with its loud siren.
We didn't even notice the big sudden
storm that was approaching. The sky darkened, heavy clouds lowered down
to the surface of the water. The wind started to blow at hurricane speed,
swirling the water, air, dust, and everything what was on its way. The
boat started to rock. Actually the boat didn't even touch the water's surface,
it hovered above it and the waves that became bigger and bigger were throwing
it here and there. We started screaming, shouting, and crying, but there
was nobody to hear us. We grabbed a firm hold of the boat's sides. One
strong blow threw the boat to the sandbar where we were aground just for
a moment. Because of the speed we fell down from the boat one on top of
the other. Then the fear reached its peak. We thought that we ended up
on the bottom of the river and that we were finished for good. After a
few sips of dense, dirty, cold Danube water, we realized we had been covered
by a huge wave. We were on the same sandbar from which we started our cruise.
We were soaking wet, exhausted, and terrified.
The oldest boy
pooled us out of the water and led us away from the shore. When we got
a hold of ourselves we noticed that the boat was gone. The water carried
it further away from the bank, we couldn't see where because of the storm.
Then we realized
we were safe, that our lives were no longer in danger. We huddled together
and realized that one boy was missing.
There was silence.
The boy's name was Ivan and he was a real troublemaker, he was always causing
problems and starting fights but if he sensed danger he would simply run
away. Everyone avoided him because he was a coward. And on that day, too,
he had come uninvited. He threw pebbles at us when we climbed the trees
and we responded by throwing eggs at him.
In spite of all that, we were terrified
when we realized he was missing. We put aside all of our differences and
got seriously worried. We thought that he remained in the boat or got pulled
away by a wave or a whirlpool. However, no one could remember where he
was sitting in the boat.
At the end we
came to the conclusion that he, being a coward and a chicken, probably
didn't even get into the boat. Nevertheless, we searched the surroundings
when the storm let up. Since we didn't find him, we ran to the village,
towards Ivan's house, as fast as we could. We barged into his backyard,
which was covered with mud after the rain, storm, and flood. Ivan was walking
barefoot through it. We stopped and he looked at us. We told him nothing
and he didn't realize anything. It was a great relief that our adventure
had ended happily after all. I had to throw away my Walkman, since it got
wet while I was trying to rescue myself out of the boat, but I wasn't sorry
because it had been an unforgettable adventure. The batteries were low
anyway and I couldn't buy new ones because no one knew what a battery was.
We didn't get
to the island but even if we had succeeded the question would still remain
could "forest people" be seen if they were really invisible like some people
said. Maybe it would just leave us disappointed, so it was better this
way. Let them live on the island, pooling the nests down from the trees
and we'll go back to our hiding place on the old mulberry tree.
Olivera Jelkic
Translation: Marina Milutinovic
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