Betsy Wetsy

Betsy Wetsy was a popular doll made in many different versions and sizes by the Ideal Toy Company from the late 1930's through the 1980's. These are photos of a 13 inch Betsy Wetsy from the early 1960's. She has wearing a dress and bonnet which I made for her using a current Simplicity pattern.

The markings on this particular Betsy are "Ideal Toy Corp. O-BW 13L" on her head, and "Ideal Toy Corp. BW 13" on her body.

Below is a photo of another early 1960's Betsy Wetsy. She is the larger 17 inch version. Her head is marked IDEAL TOY CORP. BW 17-L, and her body is marked IDEAL TOY CORP BW-16. In this photo I'm positive she is dressed in her original outfit. A photo of Betsy Wetsy in a slightly different style outfit, but the same exact fabric appears in the 1961 Sears Christmas Wishbook.

Here is another photo of what I believe to be an additional original dress that came with this Betsy. A similar style dress is also pictured in the same 1961 Sears catalog as part of a Betsy Wetsy set.

Here is are two more photos of this same Betsy Wetsy in a dress I made for her. There is just something about this early 1960's version of Betsy Wetsy (both the smaller and larger version.) Their faces are just SO CUTE!!!

Here is a photo of the doll that followed the above version of Betsy. She is the 11 1/2 "Besty Baby" made in 1965. She has special eyes that slowly close when she is titled back and fed a bottle. She is marked "Copyright 1965 - Ideal Toy Corp. - TD12-W Pat. Pend." on her head. This doll was available in various sizes. She is wearing a dress I made for her in the photos below.

You can see the differences between these two versions of Betsy when they are placed side by side. The newer version has a fuller jaw line and bigger eyes. I personally think the earlier version is cuter.

Click here to read a powerful narrative, "Betsy Wetsy Memories" by my good friend Bobbie S.

This page last updated 26-November-2002

Copyright 2002 - - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permision

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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