Well, last time we left you, the fans were requesting a summer season of Barbie Roswell Theater. After some intense negotiations, it appears that this is going to happen. The following is the reaction of the cast to this exciting news.

Behind the Scenes at Barbie Roswell Theater - The Summer Pickup

(Originally Posted 5/26/00)

After the deal was set for the extra summer season of BRT, I had to break the news to the cast. Many of them had already found other things to do during the break. As it turns out, I found “Kyle” and “Sheriff Valenti” running a lemonade stand on a busy street corner. Actually, Kyle started this venture awhile ago to fill up his free time since his last and only BRT appearance.

Sheriff and Kyle

All was going well, except it appears the neighborhood competition is complaining. Apparently Kyle and the Sheriff are infringing on their territory and cutting into their profits. So it looks like it is a good time for them to get back to BRT.

Sheriff and Kyle

We found “Michael” spending the day catching some rays. He seemed pretty happy about the news of the extra season. Really nice guy, but between you and me, a bit “seasonally challenged”.


“Maria” has been spending time donating her old hairdos to a special volunteer program called “Hairstyles for the Hopeless”. Here she is right now giving this unsuspecting person hairstyle #54, “Disco Heatwave”. She’s also been taking the time to test out her wardrobe for next season. At Barbie Roswell Theater we were having some difficulty arranging camera shots to catch a glimpse of a cast member’s bra. It was also hard to find enough revealing tops that they could actually wear a bra under. So, to save time and money, we are going to have them wear only their bra next season. Cost savings will be transferred to our ever demanding special effects budget. We hope you appreciate this move.


“Isabel’s” wardrobe this season has caused her to develop an unusual attachment to leather. We found her wandering the mall checking out leather clothing and accessories. Here she is taking in the sight and smell of a brand new leather jacket. Guess with her love of leather she may not be willing to follow the bra only wardrobe rule next season. Hmm, we’ll have to find a way to work around that.


Well, “Alex” seems to be having fun at his new job. He’s grown a mustache and is spending his free time working as a male exotic dancer. Now if we knew about that body he was hiding, we would have had at least one shirtless Alex scene last season.


Unfortunately, we don’t believe we will be able to locate “Tess” for our summer season. Rumor has it she is on an educational expedition in the Arctic Circle. Perhaps if the polar ice caps melt soon she will slide on down for an episode. I’m really sorry all you fans out there. You better start hoping for the Greenhouse Effect to kick in. I would recommend you pool together all your cans of hairspray and start chipping away at that nasty ozone layer.


Well, I’ve saved our dreamy couple for last. Apparently I’ve caught “Liz” by surprise. She’s been trying out a new avacado facial mask that she hopes will get her skin nice and soft for all her future smoochies with “Max”. She assures us the mask will be finished by the time we film the next episode. (Eeew, lets hope so!)


Well, last but not least, we must pay a visit to “Max”, but before we do, I bet you’ve been wondering what that person behind the camera looks like. Well, surprise! Here I am!


Seems Max still can’t get enough of those donuts. He’s been spending all his spare time hanging out in the donut shop.


“Max” is thrilled about the summer season. He can’t wait to get back to the set. He and I were really close. Not only did I pick out his wardrobe for him, but he even let me dress him from time to time. I also helped him rehearse his scenes when “Liz” was not available. Of course, it was purely to provide the technical direction. Sometimes we had to practice over and over until he got it just right. He apologized for needing all the extra help. To be honest with you, I think he is going to need even more practice during the summer season. Its just a sacrifice I’ll have to make.

Max and MariaB

It appears Liz has caught wind of our rehersal. I think she is bit upset with me taking her place. Well, based on past episodes, you know how bad Liz’s butt kicking can be, so I guess I’ll have to step away for now.

Max, MariaB, and Liz

Oh, and we better not mention Max’s summer fling with the donut shop girl to Liz. Apparently he could not resist the fringe benefits of all those free donuts. How can we blame him? In fact, it appears love is in the air. Even Bobbie the Love Jeep has picked up a little Baywatch honey himself. He’s even asked if she can appear in a future episode with him. We’ll have to see.

Bob and Baywatch Jeep

Looks like all that free time has played havoc with our cast. Don’t worry. We’ll straighten it out. See you soon for the next installment of Summer Barbie Roswell Theater.

Bob and Baywatch Jeep

The End

This page last updated 15-February-2003

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