Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in bringing you this new Barbie Roswell Theater. Its turning out to be a busy summer so I had to hire a staff to help me out. I’ll mention them in the closing credits. You’ll also see other members of the guest staff in future episodes. Please give them a big round of applause as your recognition is their only reward. (Oh, you guys thought you were getting paid? Oops! Guess I’ll have to re-negotiate those huge raises I gave the cast. I tell you…those stars can be so demanding!)

Barbie Roswell Theater Episode 10 - The Adventures of Khaki Shirtless Max

(Originally Posted 6/16/00)

What’s that up in the sky?….It’s a bird…..It’s a plane….It’s a UFO….


It’s “Khaki Shirtless Max”!!!!!!!


This week’s guest alien villain is “Dr. Doom”.

Dr. Doom

It appears Dr. Doom has captured our Dreamgirl Liz. He’s tied her to a log of Cracker Barrel in the Roswell cheese factory and she’s headed straight for the slicer! :eek This looks like a job for……..


“Khaki Shirtless Max”!!!!!


Khaki Shirtless Max can hear the cries of all Dreamgirls in distress. In a flash he’s off to rescue Liz.


“My hero!”

Max and Liz

Unfortunately, duty calls and Khaki Shirtless Max must be on his way to help another Dreamgirl. He rushes off leaving only his trademark leather jacket behind.


And what has happened to Dr. Doom? Well when Khaki Shirtless Max was done with him, all that remained was a lovely sliced cheese party platter. Here are some party guests enjoying the eats as they celebrate the demise of Dr. Doom!

Dr. Doom

Tune in next week when we bring you the adventures of “Burger Boy”. Watch him flip burgers, save the world, and still find time for a little lovin’!

Michael and Maria

The mesmerizing view of Khaki Shirtless Max’s chest has a hypnotic effect that prevents the need for a secret identity. “Burger Boy” on the other had has chosen to wear this ensemble. We’re not sure what it has to do with burgers, but you can always identify him by his trusty “burger flipping” spatula.


Well let’s not let all that cheese go to waste. Dig in everyone! See you soon for the next episode of Barbie Roswell Theater


The End


Animation: Provence and Parrothead

Super Hero Consultant: Roshubby ScottB

Image Posting: kb (Thanks as always!)

Divine Inspiration: CourtneyR and her love of Max’s khaki’s

---Many many thanks to you all for your invaluable help!

Watch for upcoming BRT Summer episodes “Oh What a Prom!” and “A Camping We Will Go”!

This page last updated 22-January-2006

Copyright © 2001-2006 - dollmemories.com - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permission

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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