Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m a little worn out from tonight’s episode. Pretty heartwrenching. Not sure if this will cheer you up or not, but I’ll give it a try.

Welcome again to another thrilling installment of Barbie Roswell Theater

A special thank you to my Dreamer pal Dawn and her children who let me borrow many of the costumes shown in this episode.

So, sit back and relax (Sorry this one is pretty long, but hopefully you’ll find something in it that you will enjoy.)

Barbie Roswell Fairy Tale Theater

(Originally posted 10/31/00)

Long, long ago in a land far, far away there lived a handsome young King named Max.


Although King Max seemed to lead the perfect life, he always felt there was something missing. He was often found wandering the countryside on his trusty stead “Bob”, searching for the true happiness that seemed to elude him.

Max and Bob

In a village not too far away, there lived a beautiful young servant girl named Liz. Liz had far from the perfect life, but always knew that someday that would all change and her dreams would come true. For example, just last week she was given a new broom to help with her sweeping. This was definitely a sign of only more good things to come.


One of Liz’s few friends was another young girl named Maria. She was sometimes called “Red” because of the red cape and hood she often wore. Today she stopped to say goodbye before taking a basket of goodies to her grandmother on the other side of the forest. Liz told her to be careful and watch out for any wild animals she may meet along the way, especially the wolves. Maria was not worried, however, for as she told Liz all wolves were the same and she knew how to handle them.

Maria and Liz

Later that day, King Max happened upon Liz, sweeping a nearby walkway. Instantly he knew he found what he was looking for and fell madly in love. (Awww….as if we didn’t know that was going to happen.)

Max and Liz

Of course Liz felt exactly the same way. In fact, King Max was much better than the new mop bucket she was actually hoping to receive today. He asks her to come away with him and be his Queen.

Max and Liz

But alas, young Liz knew that this was not meant to be. She was after all only a servant girl and Max was, well…a King. Confused and heartbroken, she sees no choice but to run away.

Max and Liz

You see, in a way Liz was right, for King Max was already betrothed to the beautiful but evil Princess Tess.


Princess Tess was always worried that someone would come along and take King Max away from her. Every day she would look into her magic mirror and say, “Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all?”. As long as the mirror confirmed that it was Tess, all was right with the world.


However, on this fateful day, the mirror did not show Princess Tess. Instead it declared that lovely Liz was in fact the fairest one of all. This did not make Princess Tess very happy. In fact, in just made her just darn furious. Hmmmmm…..this could only mean that Liz’s luck would soon be changing . Perhaps that mop bucket would have been better than King Max after all.

Tess and Liz

In the meantime, the King’s trusty lead Commander Michael was hiding in the forest searching for potential enemies. He was nicknamed “The Wolf” by his friends due to his uncanny ability to sense danger and capture his prey.


Who should happen to wander by but lovely “Little Red Maria”

Maria: “Oh my! What a big sword you have!”

Michael: “The better to scare the enemy with my dear.”

Maria and Michael

Maria: “And what big hair you have”

Michael: “Umm…same thing.”

Maria and Michael

Maria: “Oh, and what big lips you have”

Michael: “The better to kiss you with my dear”

It is safe to say that none of those goodies arrived at Grandma’s house. Oh, well!

Maria and Michael

Max is distraught over Liz running away and his betrothal to the evil Princess Tess. He decides to ask for advice from his trusted friend “Court Jester Mini-Kyle”


“Mini-Kyle” offers these words of wisdom “Form here is only emptiness, emptiness only form. Form is no other than emptiness, emptiness no other than form” (Huh????)

Ahh…..such wise words, suddenly it all makes sense, he knew he must follow Liz, wherever it may lead him. As “Mini-Kyle” says “An old pine tree preaches wisdom, And a wild bird is crying out Truth.” (Whatever the heck that means!)

Kyle and Max

Meanwhile, Tess has devised her own strategy to destroy fair Liz. She asks her trusted Huntsman Valenti to take Liz into the forest, kill her, and bring back her heart. (Eeew….lets just hope he does not succeed.)

Tess and Sheriff

Huntsman Valenti takes Liz out into the forest to gather flowers. But he is just too good of heart to harm lovely Liz.

Tess and Sheriff

He tells Liz of evil Princess Tess’ plans and asks her to run far into the forest so she cannot find her. He will trick her by bringing back the heart of a coyote (Human heart, coyote heart same thing…right?).

Liz and Sheriff

Huntsman Valenti brings back the heart and evil Princess Tess is convinced that the fair Liz is gone forever. She checks her mirror once again to be certain.


Alas, it appears the lovely Liz is still alive. This time she must take matters into her own hands.


Disguising herself as a beggar woman, she uses her evil powers to locate Liz deep in the forest.


She find Liz happily tending a cottage for some funny little men (relatives of Mini-Kyle, no doubt). She offers her an apple which Liz trustingly accepts.

Tess an Liz

Unbeknownst to Liz, the apples were poisonous. One bite and she was gone. (Oh no!)


Trusty stead “Bob’s” animal scent alerted him to Liz’s danger. He was determined to find evil Tess.


It appears “Bob” has led evil Tess to an untimely end. Unfortunately it was too late to save the lovely Liz.

Bob and Tess

Poor Liz! It appears that all is lost now.


Overcome with grief, King Max visits Liz and cannot resist giving her one last kiss

Max and Liz

The kiss of true love has broken the spell of the poison apple. It seems that they will all live happily ever after. But wait, this is Barbie Roswell Theater after all, and things don’t always work out as planned.

Max and Liz

While King Max was spending time pursuing the fair Liz and Commander Michael was enjoying Maria’s goodies, the kingdom’s rebel forces took advantage of the situation. It seems they were building a stock-pile of nuclear weapons developed from the vast natural resources of Cadmium X and the highly advanced technological skills of their finest scientists. This created an explosive combination which destroyed most of the life forms on the planet. Little is known if anyone managed to escape on the fleet of King Max’s royal turbo-charged spaceships. One can only wonder…..


But alas, we know poor King Max and Liz did not survive. They were last seen flying heavenward, hoping to meet in another life or another world.

Max and Liz

Out of our misery and despair we hear a desperate cry, “Liz, Liz, wake up! Are you o.k.?”


We see our lovely Liz appears to have been hit over the head with a bottle of Tabasco sauce. Seems it fell off a shelf in the back room of the Crashdown as she was reaching for a pint of fresh strawberries.


Max asks her if she is o.k. She explains what happened and how she last remembered flying the heavenly skies.

Max and Liz

“Well of course you are an angel, “ said Max, “ That’s what you’re going to be at the Halloween party tonight at the Crashdown” So that explains it all! It was just a horrible dream. Amazing how one small bottle of Tabasco could create such a tragic turn of events. You’d think thousands bottles had fallen on Liz’s head to create such a nightmare.

Max and Liz

Before they go off to the party, Max thinks Liz needs a little “mouth to mouth” recessitation.

Max and Liz

Out in the main area of the Crashdown the party was in full swing. In came Sheriff Valenti. “Hey kids, brought you these coyote bones I dug up out on the old Clovis Highway. Thought they’d be great for the party!”


Micheal: “So what you got in the goodie basket Red”

Maria: “If you know what’s good for you you’ll keep your big paws out of there”

Michael and Maria

Kyle: “Hey! How do you like my new hat?”

Tess: “Does anyone have a mirror? I think I have a piece of apple stuck in my teeth.”

Kyle and Tess

Well, at least we thought it was a dream! Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!

BRT Cast

And remember as the wise men say , “Rain falls, winds blow, plants bloom, leaves mature and are blown away. A violent wind does not outlast the morning; a squall of rain does not outlast the day. And remember to check all your candy before you eat it.”

Kyle and Mini-Kyle

The End

This page last updated 20-April-2006

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All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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