Fire/Leather Jacket Max

(Originally Posted 2/22/00)

Everyone, thanks again for all your laughter! I think I'm overdoing it today, but just stepping away from the dreamy couple to focus on Max again.

Fire/Leather Jacket Max -(in his element with all other materials that cause spontanious combustion)

Fire/Leather Jacket Max

For those of you planning on taking a trip to the toy store, I hate to take the mystery out of this, but my Max is really "Dr. Ken" obtained for $6.99 on clearence at KayBee toy. His hair comes slicked back, so I gave him a little trim to make his bangs (very easy). Liz is "Pretty Flowers Barbie", also $6.99. She had violet eyes which I colored in brown by using an brown eyeliner (very effective). I tried to find her without bangs, but was unsuccessful at the moment. All other accessories you have seen (Bob, Britney Spears, leather jacket, etc.) have come from my daughter's collection.

Anyway, gotta go for now!

This page last updated 20-January-2003

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