BRT Reference from "Crash Into Me"

Below is an excerpt from the book "Crash Into Me - The World of Roswell" by Robyn Burnett which discusses "Barbie Roswell Theater" and the dolls that were auctioned at the first Crashdown Party in August 2000.

Crash Into Me excerpt

Photos below from my personal collection:

Here is a photo of "Roswell" producer Kevin Kelly Brown auctioning the "Barbie Roswell Theater" dolls at the Crashdown Party. (photo taken by my friend Gina)

BRT Auction

Here is a photo of "Barbie Roswell Theater" poster that was displayed at the Crashdown Party. (photo taken by my friend Gina)

BRT Poster

Here is a photo of my friend Julie (on the left) and me taken in May 2001. Julie is holding the BRT Max and I am holding BRT Season 2 Liz.

Julie and Me with BRT dolls

This page last updated 30-January-2003

Copyright © 2001-2003 - - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permission

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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