The Pilot

Max and Liz ConnectionMax's image of Liz

(Max places his hands Liz's head to make a connection)

LIZ (voice-over): I could feel everything he was feeling. I could feel his loneliness. For the first time I was really seeing Max Evans....I saw me as he saw me...and the amazing thing his eyes...I was beautiful.


Max and Liz

LIZ (voice-over): Max Evans has put a force on me. It's like my whole life changed in an instant. It's just so ironic that when something like this finally happened to me, it was with an alien.



LIZ: Max, who else knows this?

MAX: No one.

LIZ: What about your parents?

MAX: We don't tell anyone. We sorta think our lives depend on it.

LIZ: So when you healed me you risked all of this getting out didn't you?

MAX: Yea.

LIZ: Why??

MAX: It was you.


Max and Liz

MAX: Liz, it's not safe. I mean, for you and , and me's not safe.

LIZ: I don't care.

MAX: Liz, I really wish that this could be something, you know, more. But it can't. We're just...

LIZ: Different.

MAX: Yea.

MAX: I'll see ya at school.

LIZ: Max??

LIZ: I never got to thank you, for saving my life.

MAX: Thank you.

LIZ (Voiceover): It's September 24th, I'm Liz Parker and five days ago I died. But then the really amazing thing happened. I came to life.

This page last updated 25 -January-2003

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Screencaps and script text obtained from

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