
Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz

(Liz and Max are on their date playing billiards. Liz is playing like a pool shark, making lots of different shots)

MAX: Very nice.

LIZ: Make sure it's lined up.

MAX: Like that?

LIZ: Ok. Oh!

LIZ: Ha ha. You have chalk on your face.

LIZ: Like that.

(Liz and Max finish their dinner and Liz cracks open her fortune cookie)

LIZ: Ok, this is my favorite part. It says, "this is the best night of your life."

MAX: Is that really what it says?

LIZ: Well, it's better than "a broken clock is still right twice a day."

MAX: You're right. I like yours better.

LIZ: Ok, let me see yours.

MAX: "Ask a girl to dance with you."

LIZ: Is that really what it says?

MAX: It depends on your answer.

LIZ: Yes.

MAX: Then that's really what it says.

LIZ: Ok.

(Max and Liz start dancing)

LIZ: My parents are away for the weekend. They're at a stargazing camp-out. Something about Venus being in the morning sky.

MAX: I thought she was right in front of me.


Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz Max and Liz Liz Star Formation

VOICEOVER: I've always been the one who comes through in the time of crisis. I do what's necessary, and I don't panic. But seeing Michael so sick and having no way of knowing what was wrong or how to help made me scared. Scared that one day something could happen to Max and I wouldn't know how to help this person who means so much to me, who means everything.

(Max climbs up the ladder as Liz is writing in her journal)

MAX: Is this a bad time?

LIZ: No, it's not. Hi.

MAX: Just wanted to see how you were doing.

LIZ: I'm fine. Yeah,'s Michael?

MAX: Same as ever.

LIZ: That's really good.

MAX: But I'm not, Liz.

LIZ: What do you mean?

MAX: I mean one day it will be me, and I can't keep pretending that I'm normal.

LIZ: Max, know, I didn't...I didn't mean to have doubts. I didn't...I didn't mean to let you down in the cave.

MAX: I don't blame you. You had every right to feel that way, because what you felt is true. We don't belong together.

LIZ: Don't say that.

MAX: The other night, you know, when we went out...and the whole day before...ever since we kissed...I've been off balance. You made me forget that anything else existed, but that's not real.

LIZ: It is the only real thing that I've ever felt.

MAX: Sometimes you have to take a step back to see what's really going on. Maybe that's what we both really need to do right now...find our balance again.

LIZ: You know, Max, I thought that...I thought that we'd found it.

MAX: You don't know how much I wish that could be true.

LIZ: is it possible that I could be...I could be the happiest that I've ever been in my entire know, and now the saddest all at...all at one time?

MAX: I think that's what being in love is.

LIZ: Yeah, I think so, too.

MAX: So we'll just take a step back...for a while.

LIZ: Well, know, if that's what...if that's what you want, I...

MAX: It's what I need...cuz I'm just as scared as you are.

(Max starts climbing down the ladder)

LIZ: No, wait, Max.

(Liz kisses Max)

LIZ: I just remember.

MAX: Good-bye, Liz.

(Max climbs down the ladder)

LIZ: Good-bye, Max.

(Scene fades out as Liz gazes upward and sees the constellation that Michael saw in his vision)


This page last updated 09-February-2003

Copyright © 2001-2003 -

Screencaps and script text obtained from

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