Busy Becky

Busy Becky

Many thanks to Sue who donated all the photos on this page. Check out her current auctions on Ebay under "asueinmi".Click here

"Busy Becky" was made by Mattel in 1970. She was a Montgomery Wards exclusive and is very difficult to find complete with her original accessories.

Busy Becky Busy Becky

Becky is 15 inches tall and has a hard plastic body and vinyl head. When you press the sides of her body, the thumb on one of her hands opens and closes. Her other hand is magnetic. These features allowed her to hold her accessories.

Busy Becky Busy Becky

Busy Becky was dressed in a blue sleaveless top and wonderful 1970's flower printed pants.

Busy Becky Busy Becky Busy Becky Busy Becky

Becky came with many accessories to help her clean the house. The description on her box reads as follows: "Her head bounces 'n turns! - One hand picks things up! - Waist turns! - Other hand holds things tight. HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! 3-D Kitchen with dishwasher, closet and shelves...Vacuum with 4 Attachments...Broom...Iron & Ironing Board...Dust Pan...Dusting Glove...Mop...Scrub Brush...Bucket...Play Soaps...Play Wax & Bleach." Not listed on the box, but also included are shelves to put on the 3-D wall, and door handles, along with 2 cardboard dinner plates to place on the table that comes down.

Busy Becky uses the same head and body mold as another doll produced by Mattel during the same time period called "Shopping Sheryl". Sheryl had blond hair rather than red hair. Her theme was based on grocery shopping. Click here
to see my "Shopping Sheryl" page.

Many thanks again to Sue (asueinmi) for the beautiful Becky photos!

This page last updated 27-July-2002

Copyright 2002 - dollmemories.com - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permision

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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