Special Preview Episode - "Haunting in a Winter Wonderland"

A blizzard has hit Schooner Bay. Can you believe all the snow? The Captain and Mrs. Muir have some fun building a snowman. Now that "Frosty" is finished, what's next?

Captain and Mrs. Muir

Why, "Snow Angels" of course!

Captain and Mrs. Muir

Mrs. Muir notices that there is only one Snow Angel, reminding her once again that the Captain is only a ghost. :(

Captain and Mrs. Muir

The Captain tells her not to be sad, for it merely proves what he knew all along, only she is truly an angel. (Awwww....)

Captain and Mrs. Muir

For you see, it seems the Captain has a bit of the devil in him. Is he going to throw that snowball at Mrs. Muir?

Captain and Mrs. Muir

Woops! Looks like Mrs. Muir has fallen into the snow. It must be chilly down there!

Mrs. Muir

But suddenly...everything seems much warmer!

Captain and Mrs. Muir

Uh oh Frosty! If I were you I'd start heading for the North Pole. I feel a heatwave coming on!


The End

This page last updated 26-February-2003

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