Miki/Kim Grow Hair Doll


This is "Miki" made by Uneeda Doll Co. and distributed by Woolworth's Department Store in the early 1970's. I've seen her listed under the name "Kim" in other reference books. This may have been the name she was sold under in stores other than Woolworth's. She is approximately 5 inches tall. Her hair consists of a short rooted base, a medium length ponytail, and a "growing" ponytail that can be made either long or short by pulling a string on her foot. She is marked "UD Co. Inc., MCMLXX, Made in Hong Kong" on her head, and "UD Co. Inc., MCMLXX, Hong Kong, Pat Pend." on her back.

Miki Redhead

Below are some additional photos of a brunette Miki doll. Miki came out around the same time as Ideal's Crissy, another growing hair type doll. Obviously "growing hair" was a popular trend at the time.

Miki Brunette Miki Brunette

My Miki Memories

Miki Wardrobe Case

The Miki dolls pictured above are original dolls from my childhood. I believe I received one from my aunt Nina (the redhead I think), along with a Miki Wardrobe case. She bought it for me when we went on a shopping trip into town in 1970. I remember distinctly walking into Woolworth's and picking out this doll and case. The case originally had a paper label on the front with the doll's picture..

Shortly after receiving this doll, I believe I took another bus trip into town with grandmother Nonna and she purchased the brunette Miki for me. I remember playing with these dolls quite a bit when I was little. I'm amazed that they are still in such good condition today.

I believe Woolworth's later sold another doll named "Miki" in the mid-1970's. This doll was more of a teenage type with bendable arms and legs and about 9 inches tall. Unfortunately, all I have left of her is her head (kind of depressing, so I won't post that photo here.)

Copyright 2002 - dollmemories.com - all photos are property of this website and may not be used without permision

All dolls on this website are part of a personal collection and are not available for sale.

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