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Penetrating Andriy Maymulakhin ’s Ass
On the Eve of the New 2011 I would like to tell you, dear readers, what has happened to me exactly nine years ago – on December 30, 2001. Tat time I lived in Kyiv, on Basseyna Street, and along with other gay activities I administered one of the most popular bulletin board systems “Gay Orgasm of Ukraine”. This job didn’t bring me any profit, but I’ve got enough thrills and adventures doing it. One of the features of that board was that the newest placed personals came to me directly by email. So once I saw a cute ad from a user under the nickname “Hobo” from Luhansk, who was going to meet the New Year in the capital, and therefore urgently was looking for gay sex partners. I knew who in this country is hiding under a scandalous nick and that email address, so I’ve decided to get acquainted more closely with the “leader” of the gay movement more closely going for it under the guise of simple and regular Kyiv gay boy. After exchanging couple of e-mails, photos and phone numbers, we agreed to meet. Needless to say, my assumptions were justified: real Andriy Maymulakhin wanted to visit the Ukrainian capital! Picture sent by Hobo to my email was the same one as that on the official site of Luhansk regional LGBT center, “Nash Mir” (Our World). On December 30 Luhansk gay activist, as promised, has come to the capital. After he has lodged in a cheapest hotel on the left coast of the Dnipro river (nowadays he holds his conferences there), Hobo called me at twilight. I have appointed him to a rendezvous in “Starukha”-Café (legendary gay venue “Old Kiev” on the main street of Khreshchatyk closed in 2005). And then came “a long-awaited” moment of our meeting. On the appointment I met not only Mr. Maymulakhin, but also his accomplice from the LGBT Center of the “Nash Mir” Mr. Zinchenkov (Editorial Note: Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Zinchenkov, Ukrainian gay activist and long-term fucker of Andriy Maymulakhin whose cock is needed in case Mr. Maymulakhin hasn’t found new cock for the coming night). I came to the meeting dressed in military uniform fashionable in those days. The “lady from Luhansk” melted away because of my appearance. After long pause (s)he finally asked whether I am dressed in military uniform all the time. I replied that, unlike her, I am always dressed in style and according the latest fashions. What can I say, dear readers, as it turned out in real life this misery from Luhansk look even worse than on retouched photos. Andriy Maymulakhin look like old, shriveled mummy with very dry black-yellow skin, ferret face and lascivious eyes. I have asked Hobo directly: — Why are you so much ugly, darling? This question of mine hasn’t confused the gay activist at all. It seemed to me that Mr. Maymulakhin has got used to similar questions, because he has replied without delay: - But in my young years I was beautiful both by my body and by my soul. And now, despite respectable age, I give my ass to fuck and I still do it better and oftener than 16 years old boy! Then the Luhansk guest, in plain terms, has suggested coming to our business. As in phone conversation I had imprudence to tell that I live close to Khreshchatyk Street, Mr(s). Maymulakhin wanted to come to my place as soon as possible. And in fact, why should we fuck in the water closet of “Starukha”-Café?!! My Azerbaijani admirer Yan who worked as bar-keeper there wouldn’t like that idea for sure! So, in minutes the accomplice of Luhansk “lady with the cock” Mr. Zinchenkov was sent to hotel “empty-handed”, although all his behavior signalized that he also had reckoned on New Year fucking. While Luhansk gay star went to visit the WC in the café I understood that the coming event could be very interesting as for the future disclosures. That’s why I have invited two my colleagues from other Kyiv gay media who were sitting in the “Starukha”-Café that evening. I desperately needed witnesses of coming fucking. Who will believe me without witnesses after all? The presence of strangers at my place hasn’t confused the Luhansk gay activist absolutely. After (s)he entered my apartment and has seen that there are guests in the living room and the bedroom door is locked with the key, Hobo from Luhansk went directly to my kitchen. Indeed, why to waste his precious time when, if according to the own words of Mr. Maymulakhin, he has planned another three or four appointments with the other tops on the same evening! Do you think the Luhansk “girl” came to Ukrainian capital in vain? First of all I drunk a glass of vodka with my guests (the reporters from Kyiv gay media I’ve invited from the café), because without vodka I wouldn’t get hard dick towards Luhansk “killing beauty”. Then I’ve instructed my guests how to act during my play in order to obtain exclusive stuff for their media. After all when I came to the kitchen I was not able to believe my eyes! Andriy Maymulakhin, self-proclaimed leader of the Ukrainian gay liberation movement, has climbed up on my washing machine Bosch Silver Edition, and placed his body on it on all fours (doggy-style) – totally naked, with smoothly shaved lubricated asshole and lovely drawn balls. The expression of his face clearly indicated the desire to be fucked into his ass as soon as possible. Incomprehensible liquid flowing from his wide asshole on the thigh – perhaps it was lubricant, but also it could be the sperm of his previous fucker. Anyway there was a lot of this murky sticky liquid flowing from his anus. His thighs were swimming in it! I wan not born on yesterday, dear readers! I saw different gay men including many perverts and silly morons. But saying the truth even for me such frivolous and unbridled behavior of “Ukrainian gay leader” seemed strange, especially if to take into consideration that he was at the stranger’s place for the very first time. “So, as I see, Luhansk ass-pussy has mixed up a decent house with a station toilet,” – the thought flashed through my mind. I was not going to deny the pleasure for myself to bring this horny freak-show featuring anal queen of our country Andriy Maymulakin to the end. I lowered the camouflage breeches and put my hard dick into Mr. Maymulakhin’s asshole till my balls. Diameter of an anal aperture of the cachectic gay activist has amazed me by its unlimited dimensionless! The bucket could fly through with whistle! As outwardly the “lady from Luhansk” looked like dried smoked sprat, I was hardly able to understand how it could be possible with such body leanness to have a beer can sized asshole. After making pair frictions in a broken anus of the leader on the washing machine, I have submitted a prearranged sound signal to the witnesses that expected the culmination behind a wall, in my living room. And here, at the moment of the highest prostate orgasm of the lewd anal queen from Luhansk, the star of scandalous journalism Stanislav Kinski has rushed into the kitchen with the camera. At this moment Mr. Maymulakhin has realized what is going on. He has pushed away the journalist and wildly run to the bathroom having seized his clothes. After he’s got dressed in the bathroom, “abused innocence” has jumped hotfoot out of my apartment – and I with colleagues laughed loudly from a balcony for a long time until he was able to hear us. Next morning, on December 31 I was in the airplane flying to Zurich – to my beloved Swiss husband. And the memories about anal penetration of “Ukrainian gay liberation leader” made me laugh on board, helping me to overcome the cruel alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Nine years passed. Already in 2003 Luhansk anal queen has moved to the capital where (s)he bought wonderful 5-rooms apartment in new building on the left coast of the Dnipro river. Estimating the costs of this property I cam tell you (s)he bought it for at least 180.000 Euros (in real estate prices of 2003). Although this habitation is his private apartment Mr. Maymulakhin has bought it using money allocated by the EU to protect gay rights in Ukraine… I begun to forget my New Year’s Eve passions with Andriy Maymulakhin hoping that after his relocation to Kiev prankster Hobo has got enough dicks into his insatiable ass. But no! As it turned out my Luhansk darling still can not live without thrill! If you don’t believe me, check gay dating sites on weekdays, preferably at the day-time. You’ll surely meet the Ukrainian gay leader under the same nickname gay_hobo! He still is looking for “some brain and thick cock” or “for tops with thick instrument” Most interesting thing of this entire story is that nowadays Mr. Maymulakhin provides exclusive training courses for the Ukrainian gay men “How to Keep Fidelity in the Same-sex Partnership”! So, Happy Ney Year, my dear Ukrainian gay guys! In the person of anal nymphomaniac suffering from spermotoxicosis you have a reliable defender of your rights and a dignified representative of your community at the international level. Editorial Note: This article was originally written for “Gay Ukraine International” and friendly translated in English by author on request of “”
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