<XMP><BODY></xmp> Four barreled high rate of fire 22 automatics

Spray and Pray with your Prayers Answered!

        I was considering the 180 rifle, and trading ideas with a friend, when between us we came up with the idea for a four barrelled weapon (2x2) using a simple gas operated revolver type mechanism to work a non-disintergrating belt feed.
        The belt feed would be the cylinder, which would be advanced by the cocking of the hammer. The hammer would be cocked by a gas operated rod passing down the axis pin of the cylinder. The belt would be of a thick polymer with two tiers of rounds, and would function as both feed and chamber.
Belts would occur in three forms (colour coded)

        1 -suitable for 22LR, including Stingers and Short Magnum.
        2- suitable for 22mag, including a 39gr boat tailed spitzer based on the 4.5mm Interdynamics scaled up (barrel rifling to suit).
        3 -Brassless belt -chambers filled with propellant, plugged at one end with a bullet, other with a cap.

        All feed through the same weapon.

        Belts would be used in several ways. Closed loop belts are used like a disposable cylinder, some being held in a Donut shaped drum that snaps in and out like a PPSh drum -reloads can be worn on the arm like bangles. Longer loops are folded up in boxes, with suitable rollers.
        Open belts would be used in a snap on ammo box (like a Mimimi) and fresh belts joined to the end of the old one. This is the sort of feed most suitable to vehicles and microlights. The container will also gather up the spent belt, and the weight of this may assist feeding.
        Ed suggests an alternate feed system using a harmonica mechanism, the rounds being held in a cast aluminium block. Ed's original concept was to have four side by side barrels and a feed block holding 160 .22 WMRF rounds in a 4x40 round arrangement.
        There may also be a single rigid strip that only presents a bullet to one barrel at a time, to be used for hunting.

        Mechanism -a single action hammer with four pins, pushed back by a gas operated rod -cocking of the hammer operates a pall arm that moves the belt along, revolver style.

        Tactical niche -in a military role, to beef up the close range firepower of a section, much like a SMG was used in WW2 -as the Sten was to the Lee Enfield, this will be to modern assault rifles.
        More specialized roles -can't help thinking that Samuel Jackson's character in Foxy Brown should have been talking about one of these rather than the AK47 -“When you absolutely, postively, have to kill every....”

        If a 14lb minimi can carry a 100rd belt of 223 and still be something you can fire from your hip, if not your shoulder -a weapon such as the four barreled 22 with 300rds is nothing -it may be possible for the user to carry 1000s of rounds.
        Another role for this weapon is as an alternative to a shotgun, offering superior performance against body armour. The 22 spitzer rounds proposed can be expected to have a similar performance to the 5.45mm bullets used with the PSM.
        It has been proposed that each SWAT assault team should carry one 180 -the four barrel weapon would be even more effective.
        Ed's Police Harmonica gun concept was intended to increase stopping power and firepower while reducing the likelyhood of rounds to penetrate building walls.
        Such high rate of fire 22 weapons also have potential as vehicle armament for close range defence. Weapons could be used to “backscratch” friendly armoured vehicles of infantry while doing little damage to the vehicle.

        The Interdynamics 4.5 x 26mm round used a 4.5mm spitzer round in a 22mag casing -1.93gm (29.8gr) bullet at a muzzle velocity of 1000m/s
        Claim was that the bullet had twice the tumbling tendency of an M193 -don't know if that means twice as likely or tumbles twice as much. It was said to penetrate steel helmets at 300m and still be lethal at 750m (whatever that means!) .

4.5mm MKR
Interdynamics MKR Rifle designed for the 4.5mm round

        I doubt that the scaled up 4.5mm will have anything like this performance, but we are not trying to replace the assault rifle here, merely supplement it.

Using the 180

        A company called Lakeside Guns offered a .22 Beltfeed kit that would fit on to a standard AR-15 lower. They also offer Nylon disintergrating and non-disintergrating belts.

By the Author of the Scrapboard :

Attack, Avoid, Survive: Essential Principles of Self Defence

Available in Handy A5 and US Trade Formats.

Crash Combat Fourth Edition
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