<XMP><BODY></xmp> Tactical SRAM

Tactical Applications for AGM 69 SRAM.

        Although the AGM-69 SRAM has been replaced in the strategic role by cruise missiles the potential of this proven airframe and engine should be investigated as a conventional tactical weapon. Although it lacks the range of a cruise missile it has the advantage of being supersonic and is compatible with the rotary launchers used by many cruise missile carriers such as the B-52 and B-1. With a weight of around 2,000lb it can also be carried as a pylon store.
        Possible roles for Tactical SRAM include as an anti-shipping or anti-radiation missile or as an air to air missile fired from platforms such as a modified 747.

SAC on the SRAM
Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles AGM-69 SRAM.
AGM-131 SRAM II and AGM-131B SRAM-T (SRAM-Tactical)

        Note that the SRAM-Tactical was a tactical nuclear weapon with a 10kt or 100kt W-91 warhead.

Length 4.27 m (14 ft) (4.83 m (15 ft 10 in) with tail fairing)
Fin Halfspan 38 cm (15 in) (fin tip to centerline)
Diameter 45 cm (17.5 in)
Weight 1010 kg (2230 lb)
Speed Mach 3
Range up to 160 km (100 miles)
Propulsion Lockheed Propulsion Co. SR75-LP-1 two-stage solid-fueled rocket
Warhead W-69 thermonuclear (200 kT)

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