<XMP><BODY></xmp> Ideas for a mechanized infantry battalion.

Future Mechanized Infantry.

Imagine a Mechanized Infantry battalion of the near future.

        The rifle platoons are mounted on Up-armoured M113s. many of these are equipped with PP-30mm cannon, 2.75" Rocket pods and ATGW.
        When dismounted the platoon is well armed with GPMGs, combined rifle/hand grenades, Three-shot and Revolver Grenade launchers, Platoon mortars and RPG2000 launchers.
        They may also have compact communication systems and Simplified OICWs and specialist marksmen.
        The company mortar section is mounted on M113s armed with turreted 81mm gun-mortars, but they also have M252s for dismounted operations.
        The Battalion's Scout platoon is equipped with Tankitas, compact scout vehicles and M113s. Specialist equipment includes motorbikes, stealthy ATBs and 3BT launchers with adhesive smoke rounds.
        The anti-armour platoon is equipped with a mix of TOW, EFOG-M and top attack munitions. They also have a small but useful section armed with Anti-material rifles.
        The Mortar platoon of the support company are equipped with 120mm Assault Gun-mortar systems, light but well armoured vehicles capable of devastating direct or indirect fire.
        There is also an air defence unit, possibly just Stinger teams mounted on suitable vehicles, or possibly a system like Avenger or a M113 fitted with the Blazer turret.

Is such a unit a fantasy?
         No!. Nearly all of the systems described are in service now with other nations or could be produced in less than a year.

By the Author of the Scrapboard :

Attack, Avoid, Survive: Essential Principles of Self Defence

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