<XMP><BODY></xmp>The Scrapboard - Second Page

The Scrapboard

Est’d 30-6-01
Changes last made to this page 28th October 2023

Second page
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Some ideas and works in progress.

Many of these articles are just rough drafts or thinking out loud, so don’t expect too much of them. They are in no particular order in the hope that the reader may diversify their interests.

Best way to view this page is to keep the history mode of your browser on so you know where you have been, and keep an eye on the “Updated” and “Added” comments, I don’t always put new stuff at the bottom, I will sometimes place them with a related article.

Some of these articles have previously been published in G2mil. The versions here are of a slightly different format and may have been updated.



Please place something like “Scrapboard” in the subject title otherwise I might mistake posts for spam. Sadly, due to several timewasters and abusive posters do not contact me on the subjects of Politics, Religion or Ballistics.

IF by Rudyard Kipling

Important Articles

“Old” ideas for new body armour. Updated 19-11-04
Some new applications for flight packs Added 19-2-02 Updated 23-5-02

Four tools for the Infantry. Kukris, Billknives, Combat Spades and Digging Axes. Added 26-2-02 Updated 30-4-10
Military Orientated Sports -The Mars Games. Added 28-2-02 Updated 1-5-02
Megacord. A simple multi-use infantry munition. Added 4-3-02
Clothing and accessories dept. Updated 9-11-10
More on clothing Added 18-4-02 Updated 3-1-05

Supplementary Vehicle Armour Added 7-3-02 Updated 8-3-02
Return of Medium Tanks Added 7-3-02 Updated 14-11-03
Ghillie Kits for Vehicles Added 7-3-02
155mm Assault guns Added 13-3-02 Updated 12-1-06
Improved Logistic Mobility Added 19-3-02 Updated 21-3-03
Creating a real Mountain Division Added 19-3-02 Updated 2-5-02

“Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it; Those who fail to learn history correctly; why they are simply doomed.”

Bringing the M1 carbine into the 21st century as the ideal police weapon Updated 28-9-06
New Handcuff design for Long Term prisoner transport. Added 28-2-02
“Baton Ball” -Less Lethal Police Weapon. Practical or Silly? Jury is still out. Added 28-2-02
Alternate batons and related devices Added 11-4-02
Room Clearing Added 9-5-02 Updated 23-11-05
7mm rifles and .300 Whisperâ for Police marksmen Added 17-10-02 Updated 17-10-05

Strategically Mobile Light Infantry Divisions. Added 27-3-02 Updated 11-11-05
Useful sites on Small Unit Tactics and Formations Added 28-3-02 Updated 2-10-15
Super bronco A new version of an old workhorse. Added 2-4-02 Updated 7-4-15
Groundhog. A new variant of the A-10. Added 3-4-02 Updated 15-7-03
The Very Heavy Lift Helicopter 70 ton Vertical Envelopment and Resupply. Added 3-4-02

Airliner Safety Added 3-4-02 Update 16-2-06

Modern Expeditionary Forces Added 8-4-02 Updated 11-11-05
More Versatile Military Units Added 8-4-02 Updated 3-9-14
Medium and Light Armoured Airmobile Cavalry Added 25-4-02 Updated 11-11-05

New Brigade structure Added 7-6-02

Simpler US Inteligence Added 8-4-02
The M16 in a SAW role Added 11-2-02 Updated 12-6-08
Upgraded M60 tank and tank cupola Added 12-4-02 Updated 26-6-07

Tracers Added 25-4-02 Updated 20-11-18
Some thoughts on Burst Fire Added 15-5-02 Updated 28-10-23
.50 calibre machine guns Added 25-4-02
Wiesel combat vehicles Added 25-4-02
Infantry company formations Added 26-4-02
Anti-tank guns and Gun and Missile battalions Added 2-5-02 Updated 24-4-18
Scout cars: Improving the HMMWV Added 7-5-02 Updated 1-9-23

“A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.”
-- Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis (1952)

Modern Militia for 21st Century Defence Added 9-5-02
Multi-coloured LED tactical light Added 9-5-02 Updated 26-6-09

Some thoughts on Disposable guns Added 23-5-02 Updated 6-6-02
Simple Machine Pistols for Vehicle crews Added 30-5-02 Updated 28-3-03
Rough Riders. Added 10-6-02 Updated 27-10-05

Hybrid Electric propulsion for military use Added 5-7-02 Updated 9-5-04
Ridgeback Road Security Vehicle Added 9-7-02 Updated 17-4-07
Truck-based infantry Added 10-7-02 Update 22-3-20

105mm Artank. An ideal system for LIC and OOTW? Added 7-8-02
Offensive Waterjets for Riverine Warfare. Added 9-8-02 Updated 27-11-03

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.”
Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
Shrike A counter-narcotics aircraft. Added 12-9-02 Updated 9-11-08
Modern Sticky bombs Added 17-10-02.
Ralph Zumbro’s Special Intervention Force Added 30-9-02 Updated 14-12-03
Improving the terminal effects of 5.56mm weapons Added 4-11-02 Updated 9-1-04
Long Range Combat Less Rifle, not more! Added 4-11-02 Updated 11-10-06

New Squad, Platoon and Battalion Structure Added 18-11-02 Updated 11-11-05
Tank-CIWS Added 25-11-02 Updated 17-5-05
Starstreak Missile not just a SAM, a tank killer too. Added 2-12-02 Updated 11-4-17
Group Formations Added 12-12-02 Updated 12-1-06
LRVs -need a modern Schwimmwagen Added 18-12-02 Updated 17-9-14

MR battalions and Patch Forces Added 10-1-03 Updated 11-11-05
.45 calibre rifles Added 10-1-03

Airships for Civil and Military Use Added 13-2-03
Snub revolvers, some ideas Added 19-2-03 Updated 16-7-22

“Most people would die sooner than think - in fact, they do so.”
Bertrand Russell, The ABC of Relativity, 1926

Flame Weapons and Flamethrowers Added 11-3-03 Updated 29-5-21
Bradley Medium Tank Added 12-3-03 Updated 13-3-05

Quick Guide to new battalion types Added 7-4-03 Updated 12-1-06

Making Your Washkit Lighter and Better. Added 4-5-12
Pinole, emergency food of fast and future. Added 12-5-12 Updated 17-9-15
Some More Thoughts on the Soldier’s Load. Added 15-5-12

Fairbairn’s Thumb Hold. Added 31-7-12 Updated 3-10-15
Catchpoles for Increased Public Safety. Added 9-4-12
How I got more muscle and less fat. Added 6-6-12

The Scrapboard Guide to Knots Added 26-3-13 Updated 23-3-17

The Land Ironclads by H.G Wells

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By the Author of the Scrapboard :

Attack, Avoid, Survive: Essential Principles of Self Defence

Available in Handy A5 and US Trade Formats.

Crash Combat Fourth Edition
Epub edition Fourth Edition.
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