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You get a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You get a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
You put a Blue Healing Potion in Elven Travel Bag
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
> p
You get a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Saban enters the Realms of the Dragon]
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
or You guys mind if I turn my triggers on for this?
[Legions] Gyrael(in cant of evil) : You guys mind if I turn my triggers on for this?
> Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn hisses violently.
--------------------------------------------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======--------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Fri Mar 23 11:56:04 2001                                                              
---------------------------------------------------------------------] Players [--------------------------------------------------------------------
Abel              Bar               Dagnak            Headshox          Lunar             Rhantegoth        Snuffy            Velven
Acacia            Bubonic           Delphae           Immanio           Lythas            Saban             Surekha           Wullis
Aegis             Caralia           Donnie            Jergal            Malice            Santiago          Sushi             Zedar
Aegoth            Celeborn          Durden            Jules             Malon             Sapphyre          Tarasque          Zer
Alerion           Cromsard          Gerek             Kazador           Orion             Satrina           Tarkhtnenh        Zevieth
Altar             Cryoslain         Ghirardelli       Kelenvor          Prism             Scryzin           Tyorl             
Amaranth          Cullyn            Ghost of Hadush   Lerris            Prometheus        Shadowfax         Tyra              
Balian            Cythera           Gyrael            Lichban           Radis             Sin               Valkadesh         
---------------------------------------------> There are sixty three players in the Realms right now. <---------------------------------------------
> Prism asks you: ok you ready?
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Legions] Hadush(in cant of evil) : heh, no problem
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
The sun sinks behind the western horizon.
t prism just a minute
You tell Prism: "just a minute"
Upper Level, Northeast Tower
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Four City Guards are here.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn shivers as dark energies are expelled from its body.
cast regenerate wyvern
You begin casting Regenerate.
> [Chat] Saban : Anyone near lirath with a few plat to spare or just a a few gold?
You cast Regenerate.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Delphae has lost her link]
[Delphae left the Realms of the Dragon]
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
alias pk
pk: kill $*$;spew $*$;wyvern dive $*$;cast dread plague $*$;cast destroy $*$;massacre $*$
> alias pk2
pk2: cast destroy $*$;massacre $*$
Something huge crashes through the trees in the forest.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Chat] Aegoth : {collect 'em your self :)}
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
City Guard says: You will remain peaceful while in these city walls.

chat off
You turn off the chat channel.
> race off
You turn off the drow channel.
> guild off
You turn off the Dark_Knight channel.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Acacia left the Realms of the Dragon]
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn roars a shrill challenge.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Cythera left the Realms of the Dragon]
rst1 me
City Guard says: You will remain peaceful while in these city walls.

You begin casting Resist.
> Your target is already affected by a greater power than which you can give.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
rst2 me
You begin casting Resist.
> Your target is already affected by a greater power than which you can give.
rst3 me
You begin casting Resist.
> You cast resist electricity upon yourself.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
--------------------------------------------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======--------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Fri Mar 23 11:57:15 2001                                                              
---------------------------------------------------------------------] Players [--------------------------------------------------------------------
Abel              Bubonic           Durden            Jules             Malon             Sapphyre          Tarasque          Zer
Aegis             Caralia           Gerek             Kazador           Orion             Satrina           Tarkhtnenh        Zevieth
Aegoth            Celeborn          Ghirardelli       Kelenvor          Prism             Scryzin           Tyorl             
Alerion           Cromsard          Ghost of Hadush   Lerris            Prometheus        Shadowfax         Tyra              
Altar             Cryoslain         Gyrael            Lichban           Radis             Sin               Valkadesh         
Amaranth          Cullyn            Headshox          Lunar             Rhantegoth        Snuffy            Velven            
Balian            Dagnak            Immanio           Lythas            Saban             Surekha           Wullis            
Bar               Donnie            Jergal            Malice            Santiago          Sushi             Zedar             
------------------------------------------------> There are sixty players in the Realms right now. <------------------------------------------------
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn nudges you with its nose.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
Your wounds are no longer healing as quickly.
t prism Anyone with you to watch?
You tell Prism: "Anyone with you to watch?"
> g
Upper Level, Northeast Tower
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Four City Guards are here.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
In the distance, a branch shakes as a bird takes flight.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
[Cullyn left the Realms of the Dragon]
City Guard says: You will remain peaceful while in these city walls.

The Incense Stick burns down some more.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
City Guard glares at peasants as they pass by.

who prism
--------------------------------------------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======--------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Fri Mar 23 11:57:57 2001                                                              
---------------------------------------------------------------------] Players [--------------------------------------------------------------------
Prism the Hunter of the Dawn, Theological Student of Clan Sithari.
---------------------------------------------> There are fifty eight players in the Realms right now. <---------------------------------------------
> g
Upper Level, Northeast Tower
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Four City Guards are here.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
City Guard glares at peasants as they pass by.

The Incense Stick burns down some more.
t prism well, no one here.. don't wanna see anyone else around =P
You tell Prism: "well, no one here.. don't wanna see anyone else around =P"
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
Prism tells you: ok
f prism
Login name : Prism                 Real name : ???                    
He is an Elven Ranger.
First logged on Wed Mar  7 22:45:41 2001.
4 days, 14 hours, 1 minute, 22 seconds old.
On since Fri Mar 23 08:23:51 2001
He is not idle.
No mail.
No plan.
> The dark energies that once healed you seem to have diminished.
cast regenerate
You begin casting Regenerate.
> You cast Regenerate.
Dark energies infuse your body, causing it to heal at an accelerated rate.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn roars a shrill challenge.

You are surrounded by a Circle of Destruction.
You are protected by an Abysmal Shield.
A ward of armour surrounds you.

> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
t prism Well, I'm ready on your go
Prism asks you: ok ready?
You tell Prism: "Well, I'm ready on your go"
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
Prism tells you exclaiming: start!
pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> Cannot find prism
pk prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> Cannot find prism
pk prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> Cannot find prism
pk prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
pk prism
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
Dragon Militiaman says: The peace will be kept in our fair city.

pk prism
You get a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You get a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
You put a Blue Healing Potion in Elven Travel Bag
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
> North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
pk prism
Wall Road [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
Wall Road [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
pk prism
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Someone begins to concentrate.
Someone begins to concentrate.
Prism leaps from the shadows!
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
pk prism
> Cannot find prism
pk prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on, Prism and Dragon Militiaman are here.
pk prism
> Ok.
You attack Prism.
You clear your throat slightly, and take aim at Prism.
Wyvern leaps into the air and dives into prism with flashing talons.
Prism dodges Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's attack.
A protective layer of Prism dissipates as it is hit.
You begin casting Dread Plague.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You prepare to tear Prism limb from limb.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are kinda busy right now.

> You are hunting Prism
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
You cannot find Prism.
You get a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You get a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
You drink the potion.
You feel totally refreshed!
You put a Blue Healing Potion in Elven Travel Bag
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
Nothing to put in Elven Travel Bag.
> e
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on, Prism and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Ok.
You attack Prism.
You clear your throat slightly, and take aim at Prism.
Your wyvern has just completed a dive on them.
You begin casting Dread Plague.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You prepare to tear Prism limb from limb.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are kinda busy right now.

> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
You cannot find 0.
[Bar(guest) left the Realms of the Dragon]
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
pk prism
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> w
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Wall Road [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> e
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> e
pk prism
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> Prism leaps from the shadows!
You attack Prism.
You clear your throat slightly, and take aim at Prism.
Your wyvern has just completed a dive on them.
You begin casting Dread Plague.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You prepare to tear Prism limb from limb.
> w
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Dragon Militiaman are here.
> w
Wall Road [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
You cannot find Prism.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn shifts its tail about expectantly.
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> The Incense Stick burns down some more.
pk prism
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Prism begins to concentrate.
Prism begins to concentrate.
You attack Prism.
You clear your throat slightly, and take aim at Prism.
Your wyvern has just completed a dive on them.
You begin casting Dread Plague.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You prepare to tear Prism limb from limb.
> e
Wall Road [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> e
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You look around and can't seem to find your target.
The Incense Stick burns down some more.
You cannot find Prism.
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on and Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
> w
pk prism
Wall Road [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on is here.
> Cannot find prism
No Target!
Wyvern can not find anyone of that name.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You can't seem to find your target.
> pk prism
Prism begins to concentrate.
Prism begins to concentrate.
You attack Prism.
You clear your throat slightly, and take aim at Prism.
Your wyvern has just completed a dive on them.
You begin casting Dread Plague.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You prepare to tear Prism limb from limb.
> Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism smashes Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism smashes Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism hits Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn hard.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism skewers Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism cremates Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Prism raises a mass of vines from the ground to entangle you.
You are covered by a mass of entangling vines.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the ground in their fury.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Prism rattles your entire skeleton.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Prism hunts you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your flesh splatters to the ground as Prism pulverizes you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your flesh splatters to the ground as Prism pulverizes you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your flesh splatters to the ground as Prism pulverizes you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You writhe in agony as Prism bores through you with his weapon.
Prism dodges your attack.
Prism dodges your attack.
Prism dodges your attack.
You curse Prism with the Dread Plague of Hell!
org @/cant of evil/%^WHITE%^BOLD%^cursed %^YELLOW%^Prism%^WHITE%^ with the Dread Plague at %^RESET%^Wall Road %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Dark streams of energy writhe up Prism's legs and into his body.  His skin turns a shade of brown and begins to blister and boil, and he doubles
over in pain as a wretched disease courses through him.

You tear Prism limb from limb.
Prism's skin ruptures and oozes blackened blood.
A protective layer of Prism dissipates as it is hit.
Prism's skin ruptures and oozes blackened blood.
A protective layer of Prism dissipates as it is hit.
Prism's skin ruptures and oozes blackened blood.
A protective layer of Prism dissipates as it is hit.
Prism's skin ruptures and oozes blackened blood.
A protective layer of Prism dissipates as it is hit.
You open your mouth, and spew the demon seed at Prism, which attaches itself to his chest.
Hp: 2363  Gp: 1344  Xp: 4005789
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Your wyvern is in a blood frenzy and will not leave until his blood lust is satisfied!
> Your wyvern is in a blood frenzy and will not leave until his blood lust is satisfied!
> Your wyvern is in a blood frenzy and will not leave until his blood lust is satisfied!
> Your wyvern is in a blood frenzy and will not leave until his blood lust is satisfied!
> Your wyvern is in a blood frenzy and will not leave until his blood lust is satisfied!
> pk prism
Wall Road [e,w].
Prism and Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn that you are riding on are here.
> [Legions] Gyrael /cant of evil/cursed Prism with the Dread Plague at Wall Road [e,w]
> > h
> Prism begins to concentrate.
pk2 prism
> pk prism
Prism gets a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
Prism gets a Blue Healing Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
Prism puts a Blue Healing Potion in Elven Travel Bag.
You parry Prism's attack.
An enormous black cloud quickly forms overhead.

Suddenly sheets of brilliant lightning rain down upon you, driving you to the ground in their fury.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Prism rattles your entire skeleton.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You see sparks fly as Prism fries your entire nervous system.
Prism hunts you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your flesh splatters to the ground as Prism pulverizes you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your flesh splatters to the ground as Prism pulverizes you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
Your flesh splatters to the ground as Prism pulverizes you.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You writhe in agony as Prism bores through you with his weapon.
Your Abysmal Shield absorbs a huge amount of the damage.
You scream in pain as Prism incinerates your entire body.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism dodges your attack.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism dodges your attack.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Hp: 167  Gp: 1365  Xp: 4005789
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism dodges Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's attack.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism reels back in utter shock as the plague of Yoglhu increases the pain.
Prism deals you the final blow, and the world fades...
Reaver of Pestilence wreathed in Hellish Flame loses its Damage Field.
 A rider wearing a black hooded robe gallops in on a pale horse carrying a large Scythe.
I am Death, one of the Four Horsemen. You have summoned me here through bad judgement or ill fate, in either case .... your soul now belongs to me!

The robed figure tosses his head back and cackles evilly.
Your ward of armour disappears.
cast ward of armour
You break free of the vines.
> > w
pk prism
> pk2 prism
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding kill prism.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding spew prism.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding wyvern dive prism.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast dread plague prism.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast destroy prism.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding massacre prism.
> Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast destroy prism.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding massacre prism.
> Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism smashes Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism smashes Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism smashes Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn's Dark Shield absorbs some of the damage.
wyvern dismiss
Prism skewers Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn.
Your hand passes right through it! You are just a ghost!
You attack Prism.
Prism is already stricken with the plague of Yoglhu.
How can you direct anything to do anything when you are dead?  You have no voice or physical arms to make the necessary motions!
This body was too recently infected to plaque it again.
You are currently too mentally drained to cast Destroy.
You are far too exhausted to massacre Someone
As a ghost, you cannot pick anything up.
You cannot drink while you are dead.
Cannot find bags to put anything in.
You are currently too mentally drained to cast Destroy.
You are far too exhausted to massacre Someone
Your hand passes right through it! You are just a ghost!
You attack Prism.
Prism is already stricken with the plague of Yoglhu.
How can you direct anything to do anything when you are dead?  You have no voice or physical arms to make the necessary motions!
This body was too recently infected to plaque it again.
You are currently too mentally drained to cast Destroy.
You are far too exhausted to massacre Someone
North Wall [e,w].
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn follows you.
Sorry, Ghost of Gyrael is already dead!
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Fierce Mottled Wyvern named Tagnik'zur Velg'larn follows you.