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t cellix go
You tell Cellix: "go"
sneak e
sneak e
North Wall [e,w].
sneak e
Ok, You sneak east.
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
sneak e
North Wall [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
pk2 cellix
Ok, You sneak east.
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
sneak e
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
sneak e
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
sneak e
Wall Road [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
pk2 cellix
Ok, You sneak east.
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
sneak e
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
sneak e
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
Ok, You sneak east.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Dragon Militiaman says: The peace will be kept in our fair city.

pk2 cellix
sneak w
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak west.
pk2 cellix
Someone begins casting a spell.
Someone begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You appear from the shadows.
Cellix suddenly appears!
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6489  Xp: 8877205
pk2 cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Cellix dissipates.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Diamond Mail Shirt mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5439  Xp: 8878405
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
pk2 cellix
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Cellix parries your attack.
Cellix parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Sapphire Bracers mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4014  Xp: 8879684
pk2r cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 1 | Fling
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Wall Road [e,w].
Cellix and Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
North Wall [e,w].
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
con me
pk2r cellix
You need to consider someone who exists.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You appear from the shadows.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Wall Road [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Kelenvor : duel?
Cellix leaves west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
add_target Cellix
Cellix was added to the list of targets.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
Wall Road [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Kacy has lost her link]
pk2r cellix
[Kacy(unsaved) left the Realms of the Dragon]
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
hold gauntlets
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
pk2 cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3204  Xp: 8882084
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You put down Lightning Rod from your left hand.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
Cellix parries your attack.
Cellix parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2129  Xp: 8883284
Dragon Militiaman arrives from the east.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1076  Xp: 8884739
pk2r cellix
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
pk2r cellix
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix casts a spell on himself and several flaming clones appear.
11 flaming clones of Cellix appear!
hold gauntlets
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2 cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You put down Lightning Rod from your left hand.
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Your attack glances off Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You must be holding the rod to point it properly.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6499  Xp: 8885939
pk2 cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
You are hunting Cellix
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Diamond Mail Shirt mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5449  Xp: 8887139
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Ring of Fire mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
pk2r cellix
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4396  Xp: 8889498
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
pk2r cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3821  Xp: 8890330
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2743  Xp: 8892353
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1668  Xp: 8893736
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
pk2r cellix
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 593  Xp: 8895128
Cellix arrives from the east.
Cellix leaves west.
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
Cellix arrives from the west.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
hold gauntlets
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
Hp: 3300  Gp: 68  Xp: 8896528
You dodge the attack.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
pk2 cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
You put down Lightning Rod from your left hand.
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 93  Xp: 8896528
pk2 cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Maleficent enters the Realms of the Dragon]
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
pk2 cellix
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Cellix parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Dragon Militiaman leaves west.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman and Cellix are here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Wall Road [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
hold gauntlets
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4046  Xp: 8900275
You dodge the attack.
pk2 cellix
Dragon Militiaman arrives from the east.
You put down Lightning Rod from your left hand.
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 2
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2 cellix
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2971  Xp: 8901475
pk2 cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Your attack glances off Cellix.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Elite Helmet mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Bronze Greaves mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1921  Xp: 8902826
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
pk2r cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 496  Xp: 8904278
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix parries your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 46  Xp: 8905278
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
pk2r cellix
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
hold gauntlets
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Platinum Wedding Ring Imbedded with a Diamond on Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5899  Xp: 8907678
You dodge the attack.
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
North Wall [e,w].
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
pk2 cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Chain Sollerets mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4821  Xp: 8908878
pk2 cellix
You dodge the attack.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
pk2 cellix
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3746  Xp: 8910366
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You put down Lightning Rod from your left hand.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
pk2r cellix
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2671  Xp: 8911949
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
hold gauntlets
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Emerald Necklace mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1621  Xp: 8913149
Cellix hits you with a blast of smoldering sulfur!
Your skin begins to blister!
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
pk2 cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 cellix
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You put down Lightning Rod from your left hand.
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
pk2 cellix
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 2
pk2 cellix
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
A clone of Cellix explodes as he is hit!
That was Cellix's last Flaming Clone.
hold rod
point rod at cellix
The heat from the fire clone burns you as the clone explodes!
You are unharmed by Cellix's attack.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You put down Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from your left hand and right hand.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3924  Xp: 8917845
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
pk2r cellix
[Minos left the Realms of the Dragon]
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gauntlets of War mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2849  Xp: 8919966
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2r cellix
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1424  Xp: 8921422
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
pk2r cellix
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at cellix.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage cellix.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath cellix.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds me low.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are already protected by a similar spell.
You are already protected by a similar spell.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
North Wall [e,w].
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2r cellix
Dragon Militiaman leaves west.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Blood Kilt mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6499  Xp: 8923370
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5421  Xp: 8924851
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Storm Dragoness Armour mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Diamond Mail Shirt mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4371  Xp: 8926860
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Fluffy's Choker mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3296  Xp: 8929015
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Celestial Mask mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2221  Xp: 8930740
pk2r cellix
You dodge the attack.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Diamond Mail Shirt mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1146  Xp: 8932577
pk2r cellix
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix leaves east.
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Two Dragon Militiamen are here.
pk2r cellix
Cellix leaves west.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Kuron left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2r cellix
Your attack glances off Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Emerald Necklace mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 121  Xp: 8935601
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Celeborn enters the Realms of the Dragon]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6999  Xp: 8936473
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6524  Xp: 8937673
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5474  Xp: 8940227
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 2
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
pk2r cellix
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Blood Kilt mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4399  Xp: 8941785
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
The hardened air around you softens.
pk2r cellix
cast air steel
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Air Steel.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
You cast Air Steel on yourself.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3174  Xp: 8943824
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Fling
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your Mystical Cloak disappears.
Your target has left.
cast mystical cloak
pk2r cellix
[Cast] Mystical Cloak.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You cast Mystical Cloak on yourself.
pk2r cellix
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Storm Dragoness Armour mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2124  Xp: 8946905
pk2r cellix
You dodge the attack.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2149  Xp: 8947423
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Ring of Fire mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 721  Xp: 8948872
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
[Jynx left the Realms of the Dragon]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 171  Xp: 8951161
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 196  Xp: 8951455
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
pk2r cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Cellix gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Cellix gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 13 remain.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2r cellix
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Chain Sollerets mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 12 remain.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
pk2r cellix
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
cast layered winds me outer low
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4996  Xp: 8955881
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 11 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 10 remain.
The staff in Cellix's hands incinerates itself!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 9 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 8 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 7 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 3 remain.
pk2r cellix
dispel greater winds
cast layered winds me inner high
Cellix gets a Cellix's Blazing Fire staff from Storm Dragoness Bag.
dispel greater winds
cast layered winds me inner high
Cellix holds Cellix's Blazing Fire staff in his left hand and right hand.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You dispel your Greater Wind
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
North Wall [e,w].
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
You are hunting Cellix
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
cast layered winds me inner high
cast layered winds me inner high
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Wall Road [e,w].
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3021  Xp: 8958404
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Fling
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Swan Cloak mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated White Magi Robe mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1946  Xp: 8960560
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
The sun begins to sink slowly towards the horizon.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
[Metatron left the Realms of the Dragon]
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Swan Cloak mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
pk2r cellix
Hp: 3300  Gp: 871  Xp: 8962449
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 296  Xp: 8964585
You dodge the attack.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
pk2r cellix
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Platinum Wedding Ring Imbedded with a Diamond on Cellix.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
pk2r cellix
Dragon Militiaman arrives from the west.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Sinqvar Belt mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3421  Xp: 8971647
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 2
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2846  Xp: 8972737
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
pk2r cellix
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Cellix begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2018  Xp: 8973937
pk2r cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 968  Xp: 8975507
Cellix arrives from the west.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
pk2r cellix
Cellix leaves west.
[Taltos enters the Realms of the Dragon]
You are hunting Cellix
Cellix arrives from the west.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix arrives from the east.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
pk2r cellix
Cellix arrives from the west.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Cellix arrives from the east.
pk2r cellix
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1143  Xp: 8979107
You dodge the attack.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix gets a Mana Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Cellix gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.
pk2r cellix
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Celestial Mask mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 68  Xp: 8981054
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Celestial Mask mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4374  Xp: 8985897
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Upper Level, Northeast Tower
Cellix and Four City Guards are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Cellix follows you.
lose Cellix
You have no place to add a defense.
You lose Cellix.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix follows you.
lose Cellix
You lose Cellix.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Your attack glances off Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Elite Helmet mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3374  Xp: 8987809
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated White Magi Robe mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You feel a lot less agile!
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2299  Xp: 8989921
pk2r cellix
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You feel a lot more agile.
Cellix leaves west.
You are already eluding!
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2r cellix
[Jase left the Realms of the Dragon]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Upper Level, Northeast Tower
Four City Guards are here.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1293  Xp: 8995077
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
pk2r cellix
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 218  Xp: 8996509
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Dragon Militiaman leaves east.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6499  Xp: 8998024
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
[Mordakh left the Realms of the Dragon]
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5449  Xp: 9000009
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are hunting Cellix
pk2r cellix
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
pk2r cellix
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4399  Xp: 9001681
Could not find Cellix.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Fling
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3349  Xp: 9003131
pk2r cellix
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
[0;37;1m[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
40mCould not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Cellix
North Wall [e,w].
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Ranessin left the Realms of the Dragon]
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2299  Xp: 9004690
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
pk2r cellix
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1224  Xp: 9006551
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
Cellix dodges your attack.
pk2r cellix
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1246  Xp: 9006551
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Swan Cloak mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
You dodge the attack.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
pk2r cellix
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Sapphire Bracers mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Ring of Fire mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
pk2r cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Damage: 2
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4524  Xp: 9011224
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
pk2r cellix
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 13 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 12 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 11 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3099  Xp: 9013413
You dodge the attack.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 2
Cellix begins casting a spell.
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are hunting Cellix
Cellix arrives from the west.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1399  Xp: 9014907
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 2
North Wall [e,w].
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Kuron enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1424  Xp: 9015249
pk2r cellix
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Lightning Rod.
You hold Lightning Rod in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 346  Xp: 9016899
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Cellix arrives from the west.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6499  Xp: 9018274
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix arrives from the west.
pk2r cellix
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
The wind hits Cellix hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Swan Cloak mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach on Cellix.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5449  Xp: 9020538
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
pk2r cellix
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Lag: 1 | Damage: 1
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
pk2r cellix
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4374  Xp: 9022035
Could not find Cellix.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Fling
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You damage the Cellix's Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Emerald Necklace mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach on Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's entire skeleton.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3299  Xp: 9023712
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
pk2r cellix
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
pk2r cellix
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Cellix in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Cellix as you electrocute him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1874  Xp: 9025793
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 2
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix leaves east.
pk2r cellix
You are hunting Cellix
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
pk2r cellix
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
con me
You need to consider someone who exists.
Cellix arrives from the east.
sneak e
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You appear from the shadows.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2r cellix
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
con me
sneak w
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You appear from the shadows.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You consider yourself to be very considering.
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
Ok, You sneak west.
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
con me
You need to consider someone who exists.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You appear from the shadows.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Wall Road [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
Cellix leaves east.
Could not find Cellix.
pk2r cellix
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Wall Road [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
con me
You need to consider someone who exists.
sneak e
North Wall [e,w].
Ok, You sneak east.
sneak e
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
Ok, You sneak east.
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Cellix begins casting a spell.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2069  Xp: 9026993
You leap from the shadows!
Cellix completes an incantation, and a red fog projects from his hands.  It surrounds you, enveloping you in pure heat.  You scream in agony as you
feel your skin begin to boil.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
The fire staff in Cellix's hands lights up with a brilliant red fire!
Suddenly, a huge rend in the fabric of space opens up...
Brilliant white flames pour out and envelop Epicar!
Cellix finishes a spell.

Suddenly a huge rend in the very fabric of space opens in front of you!
Hellish white flames pour out of it, enveloping your body!
You scream in horror as you flesh crisps and blackens!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2r cellix
[Vednir left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2r cellix
Cellix begins casting a spell.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
Cellix leaves east.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Cellix
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
The fog grows hotter as it flashes, causing you to scream with every move.
Cellix's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2r cellix
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2r cellix
North Wall [e,w].
Dragon Militiaman is here.
North Wall [e,w].
Cellix is here.
You point the Rod at Cellix, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cellix dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Cellix
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Cellix's brain.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Cellix slightly.
Cellix's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Cellix severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Cellix.
You throw Cellix off balance, cancelling his action.
Cellix is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Your target has left.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 719  Xp: 9029652
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Cellix | Cancel: 1 | Fling
pk2r cellix
You killed Cellix.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has killed %^YELLOW%^Cellix%^RESET%^ at North Wall %^GREEN%^[e,w]
Variable Name removed.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Ring of Fire mounted with a magnificent Beryl of Serrllach.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Cellix's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Ring of Fire mounted with a magnificent Turquoise of Serrllach.
North Wall [e,w].
Ghost of Cellix and Dragon Militiaman are here.
Corpse of Cellix.
Cellix's Blazing Fire staff.
North Wall [e,w].
[Templars] Epicar has flung Cellix from North Wall [e,w]
Could not find Cellix.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has killed Cellix at North Wall [e,w]