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pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the east.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
The wind hits Elkanah hard, slowing him down immensely.
The wind hits Elkanah hard, slowing him down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Orion | Lag: 2
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob leaves east.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob arrives from the east.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Elkanah leave south.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah leave east.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
bah bob
You bah at Bob.
slap bob
You slap Bob.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Halfling] Savannh  *Littlest Grasshopper*: two against one?
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
[Kember enters the Realms of the Dragon]
backhand bob
You backhand Bob.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah leave south.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Elkanah leave west.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your glow disappears.
[Templars] Javert : are they teaming up ?
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah leave west.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Elkanah leave east.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Body Suit on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the SpellBreaker on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Firestorm's blazing inferno" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
Bob begins to concentrate.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
You palm a Mana Potion.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
cast layered winds me outer low
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Your attack glances off Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
That was Elemental's last layer!
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Pair of Gnomish Inventor's Gloves breaks!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted SpellBreaker on Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Black's insidious stroke of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Multiple images of Elkanah suddenly appear.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
cast layered winds me outer low
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Bob.
Your attack glances off Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North West Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
You dodge the attack.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
Vednir shouts: look, it's the voice for love, peace and happiness, let's all join hands and sing kumbaya
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s]
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
Bob leave north.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Mantis yells: Text Porn!
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You giggle in triumph.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental is here.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob gets a Giggleberry Juice from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Giggleberry Juice from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Elkanah appears from the shadows.
Bob and Elkanah leave west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Kember shouts: i prefer bite marks thanks vednir
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target has left.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elkanah is here.
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Bob arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
[Darthwin enters the Realms of the Dragon]
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
You dodge the attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a backfist punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob begins to concentrate.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You giggle demonically.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 13 remain.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental is here.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
cast layered winds Bob
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You laugh radiantly.
[Templars] Moses : go for elkanah hes not that good, be careful though.
Your intended target is not around.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
ra dammit!
[Halfling] Epicar : (in halfling) dammit!
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental is here.
Pyron shouts: You bite Kember.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Dispel what?
[Cast] Layered Winds.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You laugh politely.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
That was Elemental's last layer!
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Bob and Elkanah leave south.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
You laugh like a duck.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Firestorm's blazing inferno" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Elkanah.
Elkanah is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Elkanah from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Damage: 1 | Fling
cast layered winds me outer low
You are hunting Elkanah
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
cast layered winds me outer low
You dodge the attack.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental is here.
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Bob arrive from the south.
Bob leave north.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
[Ranessin enters the Realms of the Dragon]
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
--------------------------------------------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======--------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Sun Jun 10 19:39:19 2001                                                              
--------------------------------------------------------------------] Immortals [-------------------------------------------------------------------
Grimm    Regulus  Zoe
---------------------------------------------------------------------] Players [--------------------------------------------------------------------
Alerion       Cellix        Darthwin      Guzin         Kheldar       Maugan        Mystico       Shadowfax     Taristar      Vednir
Alessan       Cezanne       Elkanah       Huurk         Korzoulocke   Minion        Nexar         Snuffy        Tinkerbell    Vilurum
Anubis        Chaeth        Epicar        Ilinsar       Latai         Mjolin        Pyron         Sol           Tomservo      Xenobia
Bob           Corin         Fenix         Javert        Lerris        Mordakh       Ranessin      Stalyn        Triptych      Xune
Bubonic       Corston       Gargan        Kahlroo       Luna          Morgan        Rasil         Sushi         Tyorl         Zargen
Buddy         Cypher        Guesti        Kahlua        Mantis        Moses         Rumor         Sylvan        Uthlan        Zeiber
Celeborn      Dana          Guesty        Kember        Marrin        Mudruck       Savannh       Tadriendir    Valera        
---------------------------------------> There are three immortals and seventy seven players in the Realms. <---------------------------------------
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Elkanah appears from the shadows.
Bob and Elkanah leave north.
Your target has left.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
Bob and Elkanah leave west.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Valjean enters the Realms of the Dragon {friend}]
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You giggle with forced patience.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
[Alessan has lost his link]
[Alessan left the Realms of the Dragon]
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You dodge the attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Someone cuts Elemental.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Black's insidious stroke of death" kata at you.
Someone's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Someone's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Someone's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Someone's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Bob and Elkanah leave east.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
You dodge the attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
[Alessan enters the Realms of the Dragon]
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
You dodge the attack.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Valjean reconnected]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah leave north.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You giggle paradoxically.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your legs are kicked out from under you, disrupting your concentration!
Bob and Elkanah leave east.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Shang-Ti's paralyzing pounce" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob singes Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
Your target has left.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah scratches Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah burns Elemental severely.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the ring of power on Elkanah.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Pair of Dwarven Steel Greaves on Elkanah.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Damage: 2
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the ring of power on Elkanah.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
You dodge the attack.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
[Guesty(guest) left the Realms of the Dragon]
Bob arrive from the east.
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
Elkanah leaves east.
You are hunting Elkanah
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob leave north.
Bob arrive from the north.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob arrive from the east.
Bob dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
Bob leave south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
cast layered winds me outer low
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds me outer low.
Bob arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding south.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob arrive from the north.
Bob leave south.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob dodges your attack.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob leave north.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leave south.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Bob.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
Bob leave north.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Bob arrive from the south.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
You dodge the attack.
Your legs are kicked out from under you, disrupting your concentration!
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
cast layered winds me outer low
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You are hunting Elkanah
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
or bs lag
cast layered winds me outer low
[Templars] Epicar : bs lag
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Devios' divination of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Farra enters the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Greaves on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Elkanah is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob leave east.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Elkanah from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Fling
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You are hunting Elkanah
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Chaeth has lost his link]
[Chaeth left the Realms of the Dragon]
You are hunting Bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah arrives from the south.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob arrive from the north.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Black Gi mounted with a magnificent Turquoise on Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Elkanah leaves south.
You are hunting Elkanah
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah arrives from the south.
cast layered winds Bob
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You dodge the attack.
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Your attack glances off Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the SpellBreaker on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Devios' divination of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Oh no.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
The wind hits Elkanah hard, slowing him down immensely.
Elkanah is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Lag: 1 | Fling
You are hunting Elkanah
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Elkanah from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You feel a lot less agile!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You feel a lot more agile.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah nicks Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
Bob gets a Giggleberry Juice from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Giggleberry Juice from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah leave south.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You damage the Mail Skirt on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Coral Ring on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Elkanah gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
Elkanah gets a Mana Potion from Elven Travel Bag.
Elkanah gulps down a bright yellow liquid and winces a bit.
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Elkanah's Armband of Guild Mastery breaks!
You damage the Armband of Guild Mastery on Elkanah.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You dodge the attack.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Xenobia's ring spirited by Mephisto on Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah scratches Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
Bob arrive from the south.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob singes Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a backfist punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Elkanah leaves south.
[Aevlom enters the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
You are hunting Elkanah
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Sharkskin Bracers on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds me outer low.
cast layered winds me outer low
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds me outer low.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 elkanah
pk2 bob
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Bob arrive from the east.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob arrive from the west.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leave north.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Bob leave south.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Eastern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target has left.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leave west.
You feel your resistance to magic leave you.
cast resist magic me
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Resist.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Blackjack enters the Realms of the Dragon {orgmate}]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You cast resist magic upon yourself.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Hp: 4100(4100) [  5 ]  Gp: 1059(7599) Xp: n
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You are too weak to finish your casting.
You feel your resistance to electricity leave you.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
cast resist electricity me
cast resist electricity me
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Resist.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
You cast resist electricity upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob begins to concentrate.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
cast layered winds me outer low
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds me outer low.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds me outer low.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Dwarven Steel Helm on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Eastern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,s,sw,w,nw]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Holding : Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) (left hand).
Wearing : a Sorcerer Belt (Moonstone), an Epi's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker, an
          Epi's Traveller's Pouch, an Epi's Gnomishly Weightless Emerald Spinnel, two Epi's Opal Rings, a Mithril and Gold
          Wedding band (Love Bonded), an Epi's Gnomishly Fitted Sapphire Bracers and an Epi's Gnomishly
          Weightless Necklace of horns.
Carrying: Blue Dragon Scale.
          Small Diamond.
          Wolfen Hair.
          Ownership Paper.
You have 309 items in your inventory.
Your purse contains only moths.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Elkanah appears from the shadows.
Bob and Elkanah leave east.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Elkanah appears from the shadows.
Bob and Elkanah leave west.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
[Mjolin left the Realms of the Dragon]
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Firestorm's blazing inferno" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You damage the SpellBreaker on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
Your target has left.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah nicks Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
Your intended target is not around.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah stabs Elemental.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 2
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
The wind hits Elkanah hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah jabs Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob arrive from the south.
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
You dodge the attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
Multiple images of Elkanah suddenly appear.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob dodges your attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah nicks Elemental.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You dispel your Greater Wind
cast layered winds me inner high
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Tsuruchi enters the Realms of the Dragon]
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
You have a total of 1 hairs in your direct inventory.
       1 Wolfen Hair
   47 hairs held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
      47 Wolfen Hair
   25 hairs held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      25 Wolfen Hair

For a total of 73 hairs in your inventory.
You have a total of 1 scales in your direct inventory.
      Blue Dragon Scale
   23 scales held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      Many Blue Dragon Scales

For a total of 24 scales in your inventory.
You have a total of 0 mana potions in your direct inventory.
   8 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 1)
       8 Mana Potion
   20 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 2)
      20 Mana Potion
   6 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 4)
       6 Mana Potion
   13 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 5)
      13 Mana Potion
   10 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 6)
      10 Mana Potion
   11 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 7)
      11 Mana Potion
   7 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
       7 Mana Potion

For a total of 75 mana potions in your inventory.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Elkanah leave east.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah snicks Elemental.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
defs elementa
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah burns Elemental severely.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
You are already eluding!
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
defs elementa
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are already eluding!
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Boots on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
Your target has left.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Thrashbarg's terrible thrashing" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
The wind hits Elkanah hard, slowing him down immensely.
Elkanah is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
Your target has left.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Elkanah from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Lag: 1 | Fling
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Elkanah
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob and Elkanah are here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Elkanah leave north.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Mail Skirt on Bob.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaves south.
You are hunting Elkanah
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Magnus Belt on Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
Bob leave south.
cast layered winds Bob
Could not find Bob.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob arrive from the south.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob's Armband of Guild Mastery breaks!
You damage the Armband of Guild Mastery on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
You palm a Mana Potion.
cast layered winds Bob
Bob dodges your attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob leave north.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath bob.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Bob arrive from the east.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob and Elemental are here.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Magnus Belt on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah scratches Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Devios' divination of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 13 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 12 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob begins to concentrate.
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You dodge the attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 11 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 10 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 8 remain.
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Your target is protected with a similar spell.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You are hunting Elkanah
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
[Alianora enters the Realms of the Dragon {friend}]
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target has left.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah nicks Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
Elkanah is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Templars] Epicar has flung Elkanah from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Fling
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Elkanah
Bob arrive from the south.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Bob leave west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Bob arrive from the east.
Bob leave west.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Anubis left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
[Kahlroo reconnected]
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
Your target has left.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Elkanah
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
Bob begins to concentrate.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
Your target has left.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Anubis enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You feel your stats returning to normal.
accuse bob cheating like a mofo
You remove an Epi's Gnomishly Fitted Sapphire Bracers and an Epi's Gnomishly Weightless Necklace of horns.
You get an Epified Ring of Power and an Epified ring of speed from Pouch.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You rub the ring, but it doesn't seem to have any effect right at this moment.
You put an Epified ring of speed and an Epified Ring of Power in 0
You wear an Epi's Gnomishly Fitted Sapphire Bracers and an Epi's Gnomishly Weightless Necklace of horns.
You accuse Bob of cheating like a mofo.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
[Templars] Moses : you are almost there dude, hang in there.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
You dodge the attack.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
[Cypher left the Realms of the Dragon]
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Magnus Belt on Bob.
You damage the Sharkskin Bracers on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah burns Elemental severely.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Thrashbarg's terrible thrashing" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
Bob begins to concentrate.
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Templars] Moses : they will run out of cyans soon.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Devios' divination of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds Bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are already protected by a similar spell.
You are already protected by a similar spell.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Tzigane Armour on Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You dodge the attack.
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Shang-Ti's paralyzing pounce" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Multiple images of Elkanah suddenly appear.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
Elkanah is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
Could not find Bob.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Fling
[Templars] Epicar has flung Elkanah from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are hunting Elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Gnomishly Strengthened Black Leather Bracers on Elkanah.
You damage the Badge of Might on Elkanah.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elemental grunts in pain as Elkanah cuts a deep laceration in it.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cremates Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Damage: 2
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Elkanah leaves south.
You are hunting Elkanah
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elkanah is here.
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Charm Ring on Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
You dodge the attack.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Damage: 1
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Elkanah leaves east.
You are hunting Elkanah
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leave west.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
The hardened air around you softens.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
cast air steel
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Air Steel.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Air Steel on yourself.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the north.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
pk2 elkanah
pk2 bob
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leave west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your Mystical Cloak disappears.
Your target has left.
cast mystical cloak
[Cast] Mystical Cloak.
Bob arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob leave west.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Mystical Cloak on yourself.
A sudden flash catches your eye!
Bob arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Sharkskin Bracers on Bob.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob singes Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental is here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from elsewhere.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob leave west.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Hp: 4100(4100) [  1w
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
 ]  Gp: 3297(7572) Xp: 7546887(16800000)   
Bob arrive from the west.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Gieve enters the Realms of the Dragon]
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
Bob begins to concentrate.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
cast layered winds Bob
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Elkanah arrives from elsewhere.
[Cypher enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Your attack glances off Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^South East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,w,nw]
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah slices into Elemental, his weapon's edge biting severely.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw]
You are hunting Bob
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
The wind hits Elkanah hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 1 | Lag: 1
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Elkanah off balance, cancelling his action.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah begins to concentrate.
Elkanah leaves north.
A sudden flash catches your eye!
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Cancel: 2
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are hunting Elkanah
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
[Templars] Moses : work bob,
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah arrives from the north.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elemental grunts in pain as Elkanah cuts a deep laceration in it.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah jabs Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!
Bob arrive from the north.
Bob leave west.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leave south.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Your target has left.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leave north.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Hp: 4100(4100) [  0 ]  Gp: 6022(7572) Xpw
: 7561336(16800000)   
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the north.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You laugh slyly.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Tinkerbell tells you: |*just a matter of running them out*|
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Bob.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 13 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Alcor enters the Realms of the Dragon]
[Kahlua left the Realms of the Dragon]
You roll on the floor laughing.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 12 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 11 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 10 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 8 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 6 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You giggle radiantly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gauntlets of War on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob dealt the death blow to Elemental.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Somebody following you just quit, or died a horrible death.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
You are hunting Bob
You giggle patiently.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Bob arrive from the south.
cast summon elementa
You don't know any summon elementa spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
cast layered winds me outer low
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Corpse of Elemental.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob arrive from the west.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
cast summon elemental
[Cast] Summon Elemental.
Elkanah arrives from elsewhere.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Epicar completes his spell, and throws a small diamond into the air, which transforms into an Air Elemental.
You complete your spell, and as you throw the diamond into the air, it turns into an Air Elemental.
Elemental protects you.
Elemental growls at Elkanah and Bob.
Elemental follows you.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elkanah tears viciously into Elemental with his weapon.
Elkanah tears viciously into Elemental with his weapon.
Elkanah slashes cleanly into Elemental, causing it to wince in agonizing pain.
Elkanah punctures a huge hole into Elemental's body.
Elemental screams in agony as Elkanah incinerates its entire body.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob slashes cleanly into Elemental, causing it to wince in agonizing pain.
Bob rips through Elemental's guts.
Bob slices into Elemental, its weapon's edge biting severely.
Bob tears Elemental up.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the north.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You roll on the floor laughing.
defs elemental
You are already eluding!
[Cast] Mystical Cloak.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Mystical Cloak on Elemental.
defs elemental
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
[Cast] Mystical Armour.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Mystical Armour on Elemental.
defs elemental
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
[Cast] Air Steel.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Air Steel on Elemental.
defs elemental
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
[Cast] Electric Field.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Electric Field upon your target.
defs elemental
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by a similar spell.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You roll on the floor laughing.
defs elemental
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon your target.
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by a similar spell.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 17 Layered Winds upon your target.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Corpse of Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Your glowing armour disappears.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Bob as you electrocute it.
You are unharmed by Elkanah's attack.
Someone's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast mystical armour
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
Bob begins to concentrate.
Bob and Elkanah leave south.
cast mystical armour
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Mystical Armour.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are hunting Elkanah
You are hunting Bob
You cast Mystical Armour on yourself.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental follows you.
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Elkanah appears from the shadows.
Bob and Elkanah leave west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are unharmed by Elkanah's attack.
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are unharmed by Elkanah's attack.
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are unharmed by Elkanah's attack.
You are hit by a shuriken!
You are unharmed by Elkanah's attack.
You are hit by a shuriken!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah leaps from the shadows!
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob slightly.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated Gauntlets of War on Bob.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded).
You hold Lightning Rod (Storm Bonded) in your left hand.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Elkanah.
You damage the Badge of Might on Elkanah.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Blood Kilt on Elkanah.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Bob in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Black's insidious stroke of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Elkanah | Damage: 2
cast layered winds me outer low
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
That was Elemental's last layer!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 13 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target has left.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Faldrick's fatal force" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
cast layered winds Bob
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Black's insidious stroke of death" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob arrive from the east.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Elkanah
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the east.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You are hunting Elkanah
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the west.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are already protected by a similar spell.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You giggle paranoicaly.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Elemental follows you.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Could not find Elkanah.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
You point the Rod at Bob, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob and Elkanah leave south.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target has left.
Bob and Elkanah arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding point rod at elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast lightning rampage elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast zephyrs breath elkanah.
Too many queued commands.  Restart will free queue.
Discarding cast layered winds.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Somewhat decayed remains of corpse.
Elemental follows you.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elkanah and Bob are here.
Elemental follows you.
Your Rod is already charging up.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Sharkskin Bracers on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are hunting Bob
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You giggle fiendishly.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Firestorm's blazing inferno" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Shang-Ti's paralyzing pounce" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
That was Elemental's last layer!
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Thrashbarg's terrible thrashing" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
You laugh paradoxically.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
Elkanah's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Elkanah pierces Elemental.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
Could not find Bob.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You point the Rod at Elkanah, and feel the power starting to build up within.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Elkanah concentrates briefly and a warm golden aura develops around his hands.
Elkanah dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
An image of Elkanah disappears as it is hit!
That was Elkanah's last Duplicate.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Lightning rips from the rod's very core, enveloping Elkanah in a maelstrom of electrical energy!
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.

The power of the Storms is too much for your Lightning Rod to take!

The rod vaporizes in your hands!
palm lightning rod from all
hold lightning rod
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah scratches Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah cuts Elemental.
Elkanah launches with lightning speed "Shang-Ti's paralyzing pounce" kata at you.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Elkanah's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Elkanah touches his injuries with the golden aura instantly healing them.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Bob arrive from the west.
You have no place to add a defense.
Cannot find lightning rod
Cannot find any lightning rod here to hold.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Elkanah
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Elkanah's entire skeleton.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elkanah's Shield of Faith absorbs some of the damage.
Ozone jets out of Elkanah as you electrocute him.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah pierces Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Elkanah sets Elemental on fire.
Elkanah dodges Elemental's attack.
You killed Elkanah.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has killed %^YELLOW%^Elkanah%^RESET%^ at North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
Variable Name removed.
The badge dims as you remove it.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Helm of the Four Winds.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Gnomishly Strengthened Black Leather Bracers.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Cloak of the Nekekami.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You feel the presence of Savannh.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Black Gi mounted with a magnificent Turquoise.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Black Belt.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
You are hunting Bob
Oh no.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
[Templars] Epicar has killed Elkanah at North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Sorry, Ghost of Elkanah is already dead!
Sorry, Ghost of Elkanah is already dead!
You have no place to add a defense.
or woo
[Templars] Epicar : woo
Bob arrive from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Decayed remains of elemental.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You roll on the floor laughing.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Corpse of Elkanah.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
pk2 elkanah
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Decayed remains of elemental.
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
[Templars] Javert : good
You laugh warmly.
Bob and Ghost of Elkanah arrive from the east.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Ghost of Elkanah and Bob are here.
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Bob and Ghost of Elkanah leave north.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You giggle sweetly.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You laugh lovingly.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob arrives from the north.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Gargan rolls on the floor laughing at Elkanah.
Gargan rolls on the floor laughing at Elkanah.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Ghost of Elkanah leaves south.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
pk2 bob
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Your Electric Field is begining to weaken!
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Nifarr enters the Realms of the Dragon]
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You dodge the attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
Bob arrives from the west.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Corpse of Elkanah.
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Corpse of Elkanah.
Elemental follows you.
Bob arrives from the south.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Corpse of Elkanah.
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Cpk2 bob
orner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Corpse of Elkanah.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Corpse of Elkanah.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob arrives from the south.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You dodge the attack.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Your attack glances off Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
pk2 bob
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Body Suit on Bob.
You feel a lot less agile!
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob begins to concentrate.
cast layered winds Bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You feel a lot more agile.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
pk2 bob
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Fluffy's Choker on Bob.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon your target.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
That was Bob's last layer!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Greaves on Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
pk2 bob
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Bob.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Boots on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon your target.
pk2 bob
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
You laugh radiantly.
You dodge the attack.
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Eastern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw]
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Ghost of Elkanah is here.
Corpse of Elkanah.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Wearing : a Sorcerer Belt (Moonstone), an Epi's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker, an
          Epi's Traveller's Pouch, an Epi's Gnomishly Weightless Emerald Spinnel, two Epi's Opal Rings, a Mithril and Gold
          Wedding band (Love Bonded), an Epi's Gnomishly Fitted Sapphire Bracers and an Epi's Gnomishly
          Weightless Necklace of horns.
Carrying: Wolfen Hair.
          Blue Dragon Scale.
          Small Diamond.
          Ownership Paper.
You have 293 items in your inventory.
Your purse contains only moths.
You giggle innocently.
You roll on the floor laughing.
palm rod from ltbs
Cannot find rod
You giggle ironically.
count rods
You have a total of 0 rods in your direct inventory.

For a total of 0 rods in your inventory.
count ltbs
Elkanah smacks you upside the head.
You have a total of 8 ltbs in your direct inventory.

For a total of 8 ltbs in your inventory.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental and Ghost of Elkanah are here.
Corpse of Elkanah.
Bob arrives from the west.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
pk2 bob
cast layered winds me outer low
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Elkanah with skillfully placed kicks and punches hammers you into the blackness of unconciousness. 
You roll on the floor laughing.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
pk2 bob
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
Bob begins to concentrate.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You lack the proper component to cast this spell.
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
You laugh.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Bob arrives from the west.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
You laugh maliciously.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from all
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You giggle fleetingly.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob arrives from the east.
get weapon from ltbs
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You dodge the attack.
You get a Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) from Leather Travelbag.
You get a dagger from Leather Travelbag.
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You roll on the floor laughing.
hold gauntlets
You hold Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) in your left hand and right hand.
Bob arrives from the west.
Bob leaves east.
cast shocking graps
You don't know any shocking graps spell.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Bob arrives from the south.
cast shocking grasp
[Cast] Shocking Grasp.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Bob arrives from the west.
cast shocking grasp
[Cast] Shocking Grasp.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
cast shocking grasp
[Cast] Shocking Grasp.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
cast shocking grasp
Bob arrives from the east.
[Cast] Shocking Grasp.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob parries your attack.
You cast Shocking Grasp upon yourself, causing your hands to crackle with electrical flashes.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 14 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds me outer low
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
cast layered winds me outer low
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You roll on the floor laughing.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
cast shocking grasp
Your target is already affected by shocking grasp.
cast shocking grasp
Your target is already affected by shocking grasp.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You roll on the floor laughing.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You giggle wryly.
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob arrives from the north.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
Bob begins to concentrate.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob leaves west.
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your Electric Field Spell Expires!
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
cast electric field
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Electric Field.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You cast Electric Field upon yourself.
pk2 bob
Bob arrives from the north.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
Bob arrives from the west.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Mail Skirt on Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
pk2 bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Body Suit on Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
cast layered winds Bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
pk2 bob
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Latai left the Realms of the Dragon]
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon your target.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Eastern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw]
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
[Rasil left the Realms of the Dragon]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
[Sabreur enters the Realms of the Dragon]
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob launches with lightning speed a ridgehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Coral Ring on Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a hook punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
You laugh maniacally.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
cast layered winds Bob
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Fluffy's Choker on Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon your target.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob fries Elemental to a crisp.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed an elbow at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob destroys one of your Lesser Winds!  pk2 bob
3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You damage the Magnus Belt on Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Bob launches with lightning speed a sidekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
pk2 bob
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob singes Elemental.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
bah bob
You bah at Bob.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
cast layered winds me outer low
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves south.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
pk2 bob
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Str : 24  Int : 25  Dex : 24  Con : 25  Wis : 5
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.

You are resisting magic.
You are resisting electricity.
A white light infuses your being.
You are framed in a pale aura.
You are surrounded by hardened air.
You are surrounded by a mystical, blue cloak of magickal
You are surrounded by a glowing, blue suit of armour.
Epicar is Eluding.
Your hands are surrounded by flashes of electricity.
You are surrounded by 25 Greater
You are surrounded by an Electric Field.
You are surrounded by 2 Lesser Winds.

Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have a total of 1 hairs in your direct inventory.
       1 Wolfen Hair
   43 hairs held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
      43 Wolfen Hair
   25 hairs held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      25 Wolfen Hair

For a total of 69 hairs in your inventory.
You have a total of 1 scales in your direct inventory.
      Blue Dragon Scale
   22 scales held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      Many Blue Dragon Scales

For a total of 23 scales in your inventory.
You have a total of 0 mana potions in your direct inventory.
   19 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 2)
      19 Mana Potion
   6 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 4)
       6 Mana Potion
   13 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 5)
      13 Mana Potion
   10 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 6)
      10 Mana Potion
   11 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 7)
      11 Mana Potion
   7 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
       7 Mana Potion

For a total of 66 mana potions in your inventory.
Bob arrives from the west.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Fluffy's Choker on Bob.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Bob.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob burns Elemental severely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Bob dissipates as it is hit.
That was Bob's last layer!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
pk2 bob
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
cast layered winds Bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 bob
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You electrocute Bob.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Bob severely.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Boots on Bob.
Elemental's Electric Field absorbs some of the damage.
Bob sets Elemental on fire.
pk2 bob
Bob rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
You tap your foot impatiently.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental is here.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have a total of 1 hairs in your direct inventory.
       1 Wolfen Hair
   42 hairs held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
      42 Wolfen Hair
   25 hairs held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      25 Wolfen Hair

For a total of 68 hairs in your inventory.
You have a total of 1 scales in your direct inventory.
      Blue Dragon Scale
   22 scales held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      Many Blue Dragon Scales

For a total of 23 scales in your inventory.
You have a total of 0 mana potions in your direct inventory.
   19 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 2)
      19 Mana Potion
   6 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 4)
       6 Mana Potion
   13 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 5)
      13 Mana Potion
   10 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 6)
      10 Mana Potion
   11 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 7)
      11 Mana Potion
   7 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
       7 Mana Potion

For a total of 66 mana potions in your inventory.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental is here.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
--------------------------------------------------------======] Realms of the Dragon [======--------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Sun Jun 10 19:52:33 2001                                                              
--------------------------------------------------------------------] Immortals [-------------------------------------------------------------------
Alianora  Grimm     Regulus
---------------------------------------------------------------------] Players [--------------------------------------------------------------------
Aevlom       Bubonic      Cypher       Gargan       Kahlroo      Marrin       Mystico      Savannh      Tadriendir   Uthlan       Zargen
Alcor        Buddy        Dana         Gieve        Kember       Maugan       Nexar        Shadowfax    Taristar     Valera       Zeiber
Alerion      Celeborn     Darthwin     Guesti       Kheldar      Minion       Nifarr       Snuffy       Tinkerbell   Valjean      
Alessan      Cellix       Elkanah      Guzin        Korzoulocke  Mordakh      Pyron        Sol          Tomservo     Vednir       
Anubis       Cezanne      Epicar       Huurk        Lerris       Morgan       Ranessin     Stalyn       Triptych     Vilurum      
Blackjack    Corin        Farra        Ilinsar      Luna         Moses        Rumor        Sushi        Tsuruchi     Xenobia      
Bob          Corston      Fenix        Javert       Mantis       Mudruck      Sabreur      Sylvan       Tyorl        Xune         
---------------------------------------> There are three immortals and seventy eight players in the Realms. <---------------------------------------
Bob arrives from elsewhere.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental is here.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Bob arrives from the west.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Bob.
pk2 bob
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob launches with lightning speed a jumpkick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
You dispel your Lesser Wind
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Bob leaves south.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Mystico shouts: Goodnight!
Center opk2 bob
f the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You cannot do that.  Type 'help <soul>' to get the available options.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
alias pk2
pk2: point rod at $*$;cast lightning rampage $*$;cast zephyrs breath $*$;cast layered winds
alias pk2 cast lightning rampage $*$;cast zephyrs breath $*$;cast layered winds
Changed alias 'pk2'.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
defs elemental
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by a similar spell.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon your target.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
defs elemental
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by a similar spell.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Layered Winds.
You palm a Mana Potion.
defs elemental
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You are already eluding!
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by this spell.
Your target is already protected by the spell.
Your target is already protected by a similar spell.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 17 Layered Winds upon your target.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves east.
pk2 bob
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
pk2 bob
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Bob's Holy Shield absorbs some of the damage.
Bob's Holy Shield Spell Expires.
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You rattle Bob's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You rattle Bob's brain.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
Bob begins to concentrate.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You shock Bob severely.
You electrocute Bob.
You electrocute Bob.
You electrocute Bob.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
pk2 bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves east.
pk2 bob
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the east.
Northern Edge of thepk2 bob
 Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Buddy has lost his link]
[Buddy(guest) left the Realms of the Dragon]
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Fluffy's Choker on Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North West Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s]
pk2 bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s]
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
You are hunting Bob
You roll on the floor laughing.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the east.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Bob arrives from the south.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves south.
You giggle disturbingly.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves south.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
[Buddy enters as a guest of the Realms of the Dragon]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a back kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me outer low
Bob's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
cast layered winds me outer low
pk2 bob
You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
Bob puts a Giggleberry Juice in Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob dodges your attack.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
You giggle sardonically.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves east.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the east.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You damage the Body Suit on Bob.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
pk2 bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dodge the attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves south.
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leaves west.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You laugh nicely.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Mudruck left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob leaves north.
[Rumor left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the north.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves west.
Bob arrives from the west.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Southern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,w,nw]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw]
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
You laugh sadly.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
poke bob damn juice :P
You poke Bob in the damn juice :P.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leaves northeast.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the west.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You roll on the floor laughing.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Zeiber yells: someone die already!
Bob leaves east.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
You laugh positively.
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the southwest.
pk2 bob
[Mystico left the Realms of the Dragon]
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You rattle Bob's brain.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Kember shouts: YO VEDNIR! stop singin happy songs n update yer plan already
You are hunting Bob
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the north.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob removes the cork from a small vial, causing a soft pink mist to rise from the mouth of the bottle.
Bob throws a small vial at you.
You reflexivly dodge out of the way as Bob hurls a small cloud of yellowish powder at you!
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
That was Elemental's last layer!
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob dodges your attack.
pk2 bob
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You jolt Bob.
You rattle Bob's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Bob.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Greaves on Bob.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob launches with lightning speed an axekick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
Bob dispels its Duplicate.
Bob begins to concentrate.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You electrocute Bob.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You are too weak to finish your casting.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a roundhouse kick at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
pk2 bob
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 1
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
dispel lesser winds
cast layered winds me outer low
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
Dispel what?
You are already casting a defensive spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You electrocute Bob.
You electrocute Bob.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 bob
A pale raspberry mist slides by your nose, and you begin to giggle uncontrollably.
The vial of Giggleberry Juice disappears in a puff of smoke.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
[Alric enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
You are hunting Bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have a total of 1 hairs in your direct inventory.
       1 Wolfen Hair
   41 hairs held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
      41 Wolfen Hair
   25 hairs held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      25 Wolfen Hair

For a total of 67 hairs in your inventory.
You have a total of 1 scales in your direct inventory.
      Blue Dragon Scale
   22 scales held inside of your Sorcerer Belt
(Moonstone).  (belt 1)
      Many Blue Dragon Scales

For a total of 23 scales in your inventory.
You have a total of 0 mana potions in your direct inventory.
   16 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 2)
      16 Mana Potion
   6 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 4)
       6 Mana Potion
   13 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 5)
      13 Mana Potion
   10 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 6)
      10 Mana Potion
   11 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 7)
      11 Mana Potion
   7 mana potions held inside of your 0.  (travelbag 8)
       7 Mana Potion

For a total of 63 mana potions in your inventory.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob launches with lightning speed a backfist punch at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
pk2 bob
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me outer low
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Your attack glances off Bob.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from all
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
Bob launches with lightning speed a knifehand strike at you.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You dodge the attack.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob gets a Blue Healing Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob gets a Cyan Potion from Storm Dragoness Bag.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You roll on the floor laughing.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the south.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
You roll on the floor laughing.
Bob arrives from the north.
pk2 bob
Bob leaves south.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You roll on the floor laughing.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Southern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,w,nw]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw]
pk2 bob
You are hunting Bob
Pyron shouts: I can't imagine anything of worth that happened this week to even put on there...
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
Due to your uncontrollable giggling, you can't concentrate enough to do that right now.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You laugh maliciously.
Kember shouts: oh yeah nothin at all
You giggle demonically.
You bop to the beat.
Bob tells you: I gotta log off man
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You roll on the floor laughing.
te bob shrug
You tell Bob: *shrug*
Bob arrives from elsewhere.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Bob arrives from the west.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob arrives from the north.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Bob arrives from the west.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Eastern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,s,sw,w,nw]
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Coral Ring on Bob.
You damage the Pair of Dwarven Steel Boots on Bob.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
pk2 bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leaves east.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
Bob leaves south.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves north.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves east.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Bob is here.
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
The blessing leaves you.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You electrocute Bob.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You are too weak to finish your casting.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
pk2 bob
pk2 bob
You are hunting Bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves east.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You rattle Bob's brain.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Bob.
You damage the SpellBreaker on Bob.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
Bob rips an invisible rift in space and leaps through it!
pk2 bob
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You are hunting Bob
Vednir shouts asking: now kember why are you suddenly under the impression that I a. want to acknowledge your existence again b. would be remotely
                      interested in anything you had to say c. gave a damn about you?
You feel a lot less agile!
You feel a lot more agile.
count rods
You have a total of 0 rods in your direct inventory.

For a total of 0 rods in your inventory.
l weapon
This is a largish looking knife.
It is in excellent condition.

l weapon 2
Gauntlets of Electrum.
   These Gauntlets are made of a light weight metal, known as electrum.  They have been enchanted by Shandrala for use by the Air Sorcerers.  You
notice sparks of electricity, randomly sparking around the fingers and palms.  These gauntlets are the pride weapons of the guild, and are not to be
worn by any others.
It appears to have something written on it.
It is in excellent condition.

Pyron shouts: Oh, that's good.  I'm putting that in my plan ;)
[Grunk enters the Realms of the Dragon]
slip dagger to ltbs
 You slip a dagger to Travelbag.
Kember shouts: wow i bet you kick yer cat too
Holding : Blazing Gauntlets of Electrum (Lightning Bonded) (left hand and right hand).
Wearing : a Sorcerer Belt (Moonstone), an Epi's Ultimately Gnomishly Insulated SpellBreaker, an
          Epi's Traveller's Pouch, an Epi's Gnomishly Weightless Emerald Spinnel, two Epi's Opal Rings, a Mithril and Gold
          Wedding band (Love Bonded), an Epi's Gnomishly Fitted Sapphire Bracers and an Epi's Gnomishly
          Weightless Necklace of horns.
Carrying: Wolfen Hair.
          Blue Dragon Scale.
          Small Diamond.
          Ownership Paper.
You have 281 items in your inventory.
Your purse contains only moths.

You are resisting magic.
You are resisting electricity.
A white light infuses your being.
You are surrounded by hardened air.
You are surrounded by a mystical, blue cloak of magickal
You are surrounded by a glowing, blue suit of armour.
Your hands are surrounded by flashes of electricity.
You are surrounded by 24 Greater
You are surrounded by an Electric Field.
You are surrounded by 3 Lesser Winds.
Epicar is Eluding.

Bob arrives from elsewhere.
Bob leaves west.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Bob's attack glances off of Elemental.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves north.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob leaves east.
You are hunting Bob
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Nexar shouts: ...
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Cezanne shouts: i kick the hell out of mine
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 bob
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Elemental follows you.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Vincent shouts: cats are pretty tasty
Pyron shouts: Okay, Alf.
look northeast
To the northeast you notice:
North East Corner of the Field

look north
[Metatron enters the Realms of the Dragon]
look northwest
To the north you notice:
Northern Edge of the Field

To the northwest you notice:
North West Corner of the Field

look west
To the west you notice:
West Edge of the Field

look southwest
To the southwest you notice:
South West Corner of the Field

look south
look southeast
To the south you notice:
Southern Edge of the Field

look east
To the southeast you notice:
South East Corner of the Field

To the east you notice:
Eastern Edge of the Field

Bob arrives from the east.
Bob leaves north.
pk2 bob
Bob arrives from the north.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Vednir yells: cut link!
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Moses shouts: KILL KILL KILL
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You electrocute Bob.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
pk2 bob
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
pk2 bob
cast layered winds Bob
pk2 bob
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
You are hunting Bob
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Elemental follows you.
Gargan shouts: Go for it. you impressd me Bob.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental follows you.
pk2 bob
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You rattle Bob's brain.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You electrocute Bob.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You damage the Coral Ring on Bob.
You damage the Coral Ring on Bob.
Elemental valiantly protects you.
A protective layer of Elemental dissipates as it is hit.
Multiple images of Bob suddenly appear.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
[Zephyr's Breath] ---> Bob | Damage: 2
pk2 bob
Kember shouts asking: wait you are shoutin you dont give a damn yet you took time to shout?
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
You electrocute Bob.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
Bob dodges Elemental's attack.
pk2 bob
[Lamagra enters the Realms of the Dragon]
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
Bob is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits it.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Bob%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^West Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s]
pk2 bob
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Templars] Epicar has flung Bob from West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 bob
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Bob is here.
Elemental follows you.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
Bob dodges your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Bob
You shock Bob severely.
An image of Bob disappears as it is hit!
That was Bob's last Duplicate.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You rattle Bob's entire skeleton.
You electrocute Bob.
Sparks fly from Bob as you electrocute it.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Bob.
You throw Bob off balance, cancelling its action.
The wind hits Bob hard, slowing it down immensely.
pk2 bob
cast layered winds Bob
You killed Bob.
org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has killed %^YELLOW%^Bob%^RESET%^ at Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Variable Name removed.
Your guild hasn't taught you how to handle Black Belt.
Sorry, Ghost of Bob is already dead!
Sorry, Ghost of Bob is already dead!
You have no place to add a defense.
Sorry, Ghost of Bob is already dead!
[Templars] Epicar has killed Bob at Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Elemental and Ghost of Bob are here.
Corpse of Bob.
Ghost of Bob leaves south.
[Templars] Javert : good job
bow bob
You bow to Bob.