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Darsis tells you and Yllems: fight!
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Darsis is here.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Darsis suddenly disappears.
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Dragon Helmet on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6177  Xp: 11873321
Gained 91036 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: has never got a kill,, he is my best friend IRL.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems leaves east.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
say @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Yllems%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Center of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5221  Xp: 11877005
Gained 3684 Xp
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> You say: @has flung Yllems from Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw]
> n
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are hunting Yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> e
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves west.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves east.
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5314  Xp: 11878205
Gained 1200 Xp
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
You feel your resistance to magic leave you.
cast resist magic me
[Cast] Resist.
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> You cast resist magic upon yourself.
You feel your resistance to air leave you.
cast resist air me
[Cast] Resist.
> cast shocking grasp
[Cast] Shocking Grasp.
> n
You cast resist air upon yourself.
pk2 yllems
You cast Shocking Grasp upon yourself, causing your hands to crackle with electrical flashes.
You feel your resistance to electricity leave you.
cast resist electricity me
> You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Resist.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You cast resist electricity upon yourself.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
pk2 yllems
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Bronze Greaves on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
Yllems leaves south.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> e
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> or lag
[Templars] Epicar : lag
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> s
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> e
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
say @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Yllems%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^Southern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[n,ne,e,w,nw]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4819  Xp: 11881048
Gained 2843 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: same
You say: @has flung Yllems from Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw]
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
pk2 yllems
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3767  Xp: 11882312
Gained 1264 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gauntlets of War on Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2715  Xp: 11884870
Gained 2558 Xp
Yllems begins to concentrate.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems causes a fiery marker to be placed above your head.
4 poisonous scorpions leap at you from the ground you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Strengthened Body Suit on Yllems.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1639  Xp: 11886245
Gained 1375 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
3 poisonous scorpions leap at you from the ground you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> [Twolff has lost his link]
[Twolff(unsaved) left the Realms of the Dragon]
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 yllems
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
2 poisonous scorpions leap at you from the ground you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves south.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves north.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
1 poisonous scorpions leap at you from the ground you!
Yanniks marker burns into ashes.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> w
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> e
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
[Templars] Kelenvor : That was so fucking humiliating.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
pk2 yllems
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
say @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Yllems%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^> Northern Edge of the Field %^GREEN%^[e,se,s,sw,w]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6177  Xp: 11888781
Gained 2536 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You say: @has flung Yllems from > Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w]
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
say @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has flung %^YELLOW%^Yllems%^WHITE%^ from %^RESET%^North East Corner of the Field %^GREEN%^[s,sw,w]
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5101  Xp: 11890096
Gained 1315 Xp
You say: @has flung Yllems from North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w]
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems leaves west.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: you had pores..
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
> What?
> Yllems leaves south.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves east.
> [Templars] Kelenvor : I'll never get past it
Raid triggers disabled.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Radis tells you, Darsis, Caralia, Kelenvor, Rikimaru, Yllems and Eskil: workin on it
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> e
Yllems arrives from the west.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> n
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Prometheus asks you: new shield?
> Prometheus asks you: new shield?
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> w
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> w
> n
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Gambit left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves north.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> w
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4361  Xp: 11892590
Gained 2494 Xp
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3285  Xp: 11893961
Gained 1371 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You feel your stats returning to normal.
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2138  Xp: 11896473
Gained 2512 Xp
You palm a Ring of Power and a ring of speed.
You rub the ring. It glows rather brightly for a moment, and you feel a surge of energy shoot up your arm and into the rest of your body. You feel
more powerful. Wonder why?
You rub the ring.  The ring starts to glow even brighter, almost blinding you.  As the light dies down you notice that everything around you seems
to have slowed down, or have you become quicker??? 
 You slip a ring of speed and a Ring of Power to Pouch.
Str : 15  Int : 25  Dex : 24  Con : 17  Wis : 5
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins casting a spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Eelskin Belt on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1193  Xp: 11897856
Gained 1383 Xp
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Yllems arrives from the west.
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> [Templars] Kelenvor : shit
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves east.
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Dragon Helmet on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 243  Xp: 11900382
Gained 2526 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Yllems arrives from the north.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> s
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Yllems arrives from the north.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Aevlom left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Gnomishly Strengthened Body Suit on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6382  Xp: 11902937
Gained 2555 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring on Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5332  Xp: 11905565
Gained 2628 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Bronze Greaves on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4257  Xp: 11906834
Gained 1269 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
pk2 yllems
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring on Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Yllems.
Your Mystical Cloak disappears.
cast mystical cloak
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3182  Xp: 11908128
Gained 1294 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Cast] Mystical Cloak.
> You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
You cast Mystical Cloak on yourself.
The hardened air around you softens.
cast air steel
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Air Steel.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
You cast Air Steel on yourself.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
[Templars] Jules : lag spell
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> s
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> e
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Dragon Helmet on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5182  Xp: 11911399
Gained 3271 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4107  Xp: 11912810
Gained 1411 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3032  Xp: 11914215
Gained 1405 Xp
You dodge the attack.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Kelenvor : Can you attack people in here?
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1957  Xp: 11915602
Gained 1387 Xp
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
Your glow disappears.
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2007  Xp: 11915602
Gained 0 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Kelenvor : LEt's kill some sucker
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
Hp: 3300  Gp: 932  Xp: 11916867
Gained 1265 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the south.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves west.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> w
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Radis chuckles.
[Templars] Kelenvor : It will make me feel better
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6382  Xp: 11919382
Gained 2515 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Kelenvor : Iuchiban
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
pk2 yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5304  Xp: 11922021
Gained 2639 Xp
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: i do a lot of damage, dont feel bad kel.
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4251  Xp: 11924552
Gained 2531 Xp
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring on Yllems.
pk2 yllems
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3176  Xp: 11925827
Gained 1275 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
[Decrepit has lost his link]
[Decrepit(unsaved) left the Realms of the Dragon]
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
You feel a lot less agile!
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> e
You feel a lot more agile.
pk2 yllems
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3269  Xp: 11925827
Gained 0 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 yllems
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems leaves east.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> w
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the east.
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Yllems arrives from the west.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Eelskin Belt on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2369  Xp: 11929606
Gained 3779 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You damage the SpellBreaker on Yllems.
Yllems's Armband of Guild Mastery breaks!
You damage the Armband of Guild Mastery on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1291  Xp: 11930936
Gained 1330 Xp
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 216  Xp: 11932225
Gained 1289 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins casting a spell.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Toven enters the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves south.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins casting a spell.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Eelskin Belt on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 11937316
Gained 5091 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> bop
You bop to the beat.
> n
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5477  Xp: 11939871
Gained 2555 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5502  Xp: 11939871
Gained 0 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Yllems arrives from the east.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> hud defense on
Your shields and images will now be displayed.
> n
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your glowing armour disappears.
cast mystical armour
[Cast] Mystical Armour.
> pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> n
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> s
pk2 yllems
Yllems leaves south.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
You cast Mystical Armour on yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4402  Xp: 11942547
Gained 2676 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3352  Xp: 11943946
Gained 1399 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> p
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are hunting Yllems
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
[Zaedia left the Realms of the Dragon]
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6152  Xp: 11946443
Gained 2497 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5077  Xp: 11947833
Gained 1390 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4002  Xp: 11949080
Gained 1247 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
pk2 yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
or lag
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Templars] Radis is rooting for yllems, cuz then i wouldnt have to fight epicar.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: i can kill yllems,, i cant scrape epicar.
You are already casting an attack spell.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Epicar : lag
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5502  Xp: 11954197
Gained 5117 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> [Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: acckkk lag
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Yllems leaves south.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from bags
pk2 yllems
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: epicar, you guys fighting yet?
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the SpellBreaker on Yllems.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4149  Xp: 11956732
Gained 2535 Xp
pk2 yllems
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3074  Xp: 11958105
Gained 1373 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
[Cloud enters the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2024  Xp: 11959421
Gained 1316 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
You damage the Gauntlets of War on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1049  Xp: 11961960
Gained 2539 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes an invocation causing the earth to rise up and engulf your feet in thick clinging mud.
The Earth below you begins to shake.  The ground springs upward and engulfs your feet!
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> [Halfling] Yllems : [Raid] I have Engulfed Epicar near North East Corner of the Field
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are too weak to finish your casting.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 124  Xp: 11963268
Gained 1308 Xp
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
Yllems begins casting a spell.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 11964615
Gained 1347 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 yllems
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5352  Xp: 11965945
Gained 1330 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> look
The North East Corner of the Field
There are three obvious exits: south, southwest and west.
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
Yllems arrives from the west.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4402  Xp: 11967167
Gained 1222 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3327  Xp: 11968477
Gained 1310 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> You break free of the clay mound.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> n
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
(electricity 5) Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2427  Xp: 11971086
Gained 2609 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> n
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves east.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
[Templars] Kelenvor : What the hell are Yllems doin'
[Cecilia enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Damage types will no longer be substituted.
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Bronze Greaves on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1452  Xp: 11973543
Gained 2457 Xp
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Yllems arrives from the north.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves south.
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
Yllems arrives from the west.
pk2 yllems
Yllems leaves east.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Deadpool enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the west.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> e
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
[Dravidian enters the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Kheldar tells you exclaiming: gogogo!!!
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
pk2 yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 577  Xp: 11978496
Gained 4953 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> [Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: i told you guys,, he is really new at pking.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Apollo yells: TIE!
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> n
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> e
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 11979754
Gained 1258 Xp
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5377  Xp: 11982276
Gained 2522 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4302  Xp: 11983625
Gained 1349 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Sphynx shouts: No Ties!
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3224  Xp: 11984952
Gained 1327 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
pk2 yllems
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2149  Xp: 11986210
Gained 1258 Xp
Yllems begins casting a spell.
Yllems leaves west.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> w
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems parries your attack.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> rw1
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> s
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems leaves east.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> s
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: great,, all my defence will wear off during this fight
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 949  Xp: 11988696
Gained 2486 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> [Irreantum left the Realms of the Dragon]
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Darksbane reconnected]
Yllems leaves west.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves west.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems leaves west.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> pk2 yllems
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 11993681
Gained 4985 Xp
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You begin castpk2 yllems
ing Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6077  Xp: 11994965
Gained 1284 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Dragon Helmet on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5002  Xp: 11996236
Gained 1271 Xp
Yllems leaves east.
Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems finishes an invocation and a barrier of gale force winds surrounds his body.
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
pk2 yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
The swirling leaves around Yllems's body suddenly begin to slow and the foliage falls to the ground.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems leaves west.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
pk2 yllems
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
Yllems finishes an invocation and surrounds himself in a wall of swirling leaves.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> n
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> p
Kheldar tells you exclaiming: yer gonna win!!
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> rw2
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6627  Xp: 11998636
Gained 2400 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> w
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> s
You are hunting Yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
pk2 yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5577  Xp: 11999934
Gained 1298 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems leaves east.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the east.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4527  Xp: 12002541
Gained 2607 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> look north
To the north you notice:
Northern Edge of the Field

look east
> To the east you notice:
Eastern Edge of the Field

look south
> look west
To the south you notice:
Southern Edge of the Field

> To the west you notice:
West Edge of the Field

> n
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Yllems arrives from the west.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
pk2 yllems
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> [Toven has lost his link]
[Toven left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> n
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> hide
Ok, you hide in the shadows.
con me
> You need to consider someone who exists.
Yllems arrives from the south.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
sneak w
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
Ok, You sneak west.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You appear from the shadows.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Bronze Greaves on Yllems.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Yllems.
pk2 yllems
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3732  Xp: 12003884
Gained 1343 Xp
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Yllems leaves east.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> p
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
pk2 yllems
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems leaves east.
You are already casting an attack spell.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves east.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Yllems arrives from the east.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems leaves east.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4074  Xp: 12013789
Gained 9905 Xp
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
pk2 yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
pk2 yllems
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> You are hunting Yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> s
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Strengthened Body Suit on Yllems.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4002  Xp: 12017903
Gained 4114 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
Yllems leaves east.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
pk2 yllems
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2952  Xp: 12019241
Gained 1338 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: strom wall isnt ridding images
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> rw2
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> s
You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> w
South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> rw1
You dispel your Lesser Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> n
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> e
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> w
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves east.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems leaves west.
Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems leaves east.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems leaves west.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves east.
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: yllems is using his yealing spell... wth?
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: does like 1k heals.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the west.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1152  Xp: 12022931
Gained 3690 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: he had 20 blues going in there.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 102  Xp: 12024314
Gained 1383 Xp
You dodge the attack.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
pk2 yllems
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 12025629
Gained 1315 Xp
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Yllems parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5002  Xp: 12026931
Gained 1302 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3927  Xp: 12028228
Gained 1297 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
pk2 yllems
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2852  Xp: 12029560
Gained 1332 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Dragon Helmet on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1802  Xp: 12030926
Gained 1366 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Yllems.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gauntlets of War on Yllems.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4277  Xp: 12034954
Gained 4028 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3202  Xp: 12036194
Gained 1240 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2127  Xp: 12037528
Gained 1334 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2177  Xp: 12037528
Gained 0 Xp
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1102  Xp: 12038828
Gained 1300 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Strengthened Body Suit on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 27  Xp: 12040148
Gained 1320 Xp
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
pk2 yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring on Yllems.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems lifts his arms toward the skies, the Amulet of the Winds glows briefly and a soft breeze enfolds Yllems.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins casting a spell.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5352  Xp: 12042789
Gained 2641 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4277  Xp: 12044125
Gained 1336 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> p
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
pk2 yllems
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
pk2 yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
[Sargon left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5027  Xp: 12046804
Gained 2679 Xp
Yllems begins to concentrate.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes an invocation causing the earth to rise up and engulf your feet in thick clinging mud.
The Earth below you begins to shake.  The ground springs upward and engulfs your feet!
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Halfling] Yllems : [Raid] I have Engulfed Epicar near >
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3952  Xp: 12048187
Gained 1383 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> [Cypher enters the Realms of the Dragon]
[Stinky enters the Realms of the Dragon (New player)]
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the north.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4052  Xp: 12048187
Gained 0 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Yllems leaves south.
pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the south.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Robe of Defense on Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2652  Xp: 12050712
Gained 2525 Xp
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1577  Xp: 12052107
Gained 1395 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Yllems.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
pk2 yllems
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> rw2
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from bags
pk2 yllems
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your Electric Field is begining to weaken!
You break free of the clay mound.
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> w
pk2 yllems
Yllems arrives from the north.
Yllems leaves north.
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Rhuld enters the Realms of the Dragon]
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3824  Xp: 12055987
Gained 3880 Xp
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2749  Xp: 12057269
Gained 1282 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> hide
You cannot hide while you're in combat!
> You are hunting Yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1699  Xp: 12058589
Gained 1320 Xp
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Tiny enters the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> n
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
Yllems leaves north.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Bronze Greaves on Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 799  Xp: 12059823
Gained 1234 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 29 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 28 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 12061161
Gained 1338 Xp
pk2 yllems
Yllems finishes an invocation causing the earth to rise up and engulf your feet in thick clinging mud.
The Earth below you begins to shake.  The ground springs upward and engulfs your feet!
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The hair is consumed by the spell!
palm hair from bags
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
pk2 yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5002  Xp: 12062642
Gained 1481 Xp
You palm a Wolfen Hair.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3924  Xp: 12063985
Gained 1343 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Halfling] Yllems : [Raid] I have Engulfed Epicar near Northern Edge of the Field
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
[Templars] Kelenvor : hit him?
pk2 yllems
You feel a lot less agile!
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You feel a lot more agile.
> ra DIE!
[Halfling] Epicar (in halfling) : "DIE!"
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems leaves south.
pk2 yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> Yllems arrives from the south.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Yllems parries your attack.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4148  Xp: 12063985
Gained 0 Xp
pk2 yllems
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 27 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 26 remain.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
[Cast] Layered Winds.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> [Halfling] Radis :Iron Halfling: ahhahahah
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 25 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 24 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2723  Xp: 12065337
Gained 1352 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Mithril and Sunstone Bracers on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Halfling] Radis :Iron Halfling: GO YLLEMS! GO YLLEMS!
You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
pk2 yllems
> You are hunting Yllems
You break free of the clay mound.
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
You bop to the beat.
> w
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> s
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> South West Corner of the Field [n,ne,e].
> [Stinky has lost his link]
[Stinky(unsaved) left the Realms of the Dragon]
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Southern Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
South East Corner of the Field [n,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
pk2 yllems
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4552  Xp: 12069518
Gained 4181 Xp
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes an invocation causing the earth to rise up and engulf your feet in thick clinging mud.
The Earth below you begins to shake.  The ground springs upward and engulfs your feet!
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Halfling] Yllems : [Raid] I have Engulfed Epicar near Center of the Field
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Nexar has lost his link]
[Nexar left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3477  Xp: 12070991
Gained 1473 Xp
pk2 yllems
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
Yllems arrives from the north.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2449  Xp: 12072220
Gained 1229 Xp
Yllems finishes his invocation, and the ground begins to tremble.
Suddenly, collosal earthen jaws engulf Epicar!
Yllemsfinishes an invocation and  the land rises up to engulf you!
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 23 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 22 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 21 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 20 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 19 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 18 remain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 17 remain.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
pk2 yllems
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> pk2 yllems
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 8 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 7 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 6 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5002  Xp: 12074920
Gained 2700 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Coral Ring on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3927  Xp: 12076223
Gained 1303 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2852  Xp: 12077613
Gained 1390 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
pk2 yllems
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1777  Xp: 12078886
Gained 1273 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> You break free of the clay mound.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
pk2 yllems
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> w
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your Electric Field Spell Expires!
cast electric field
[Cast] Electric Field.
pk2 yllems
> Yllems arrives from the north.
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You cast Electric Field upon yourself.
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6102  Xp: 12080962
Gained 2076 Xp
[Rosta left the Realms of the Dragon]
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5027  Xp: 12082320
Gained 1358 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
Yllems begins to concentrate.
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Eelskin Belt on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3974  Xp: 12084849
Gained 2529 Xp
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves west.
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2924  Xp: 12087428
Gained 2579 Xp
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems leaves east.
pk2 yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are hunting Yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
> West Edge of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s].
> e
pk2 yllems
Center of the Field [n,ne,e,se,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins casting a spell.
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
> Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
cast silence yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
> w
cast silence yllems
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
> Your intended target is not around.
> w
cast silence yllems
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Yllems is here.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
[Cast] Silence.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
[Spell] Silence (successful) ---> Yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
A blue dragon scale turns to dust!
palm scale from pouch
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 5 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2124  Xp: 12089691
Gained 2263 Xp
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
Yllems finishes an invocation causing the earth to rise up and engulf your feet in thick clinging mud.
The Earth below you begins to shake.  The ground springs upward and engulfs your feet!
pk2 yllems
You palm a Blue Dragon Scale.
> [Halfling] Yllems : [Raid] I have Engulfed Epicar near North West Corner of the Field
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 4 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 3 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 2 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 1 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1046  Xp: 12091023
Gained 1332 Xp
pk2 yllems
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
You dodge the attack.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems begins to concentrate.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 0 remain.
The last layer of Lesser Winds has been destroyed!
cast layered winds me low
cast layered winds me high
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 16 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Greater Winds, 15 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You are unharmed by Yllems's attack.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You are already casting a defensive spell.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
You are already casting a defensive spell.
> You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
> You are hunting Yllems
You cast 10 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> rw2
You dispel your Greater Wind
[Cast] Layered Winds.
> You cast 30 Layered Winds upon yourself.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Yllems begins to concentrate.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's attack is lost in your Lesser Winds, 9 remain.
You are battered viciously as you attack through the storm..
The Storm Wall surrounding Yllems dissipates.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4452  Xp: 12093757
Gained 2734 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
pk2 yllems
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3377  Xp: 12095082
Gained 1325 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
You try to move around, but the mound of clay prevents your escape.
> pk2 yllems
You are hunting Yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> g
North West Corner of the Field [e,se,s].
Feet of Clay engulfing Epicar.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3452  Xp: 12095082
Gained 0 Xp
You dodge the attack.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems leaves east.
You are hunting Yllems
Your target is not in the area anymore.
Your target is not in the area anymore.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems arrives from the east.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> [Garion left the Realms of the Dragon]
Yllems begins to concentrate.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2427  Xp: 12097577
Gained 2495 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1352  Xp: 12098882
Gained 1305 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Apollo yells: PASS THEM BOTH ON!
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 277  Xp: 12100339
Gained 1457 Xp
You break free of the clay mound.
pk2 yllems
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Pendant of the Eternal Flame on Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 12101620
Gained 1281 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
Northern Edge of the Field [e,se,s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5377  Xp: 12103038
Gained 1418 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> e
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4302  Xp: 12104364
Gained 1326 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
pk2 yllems
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3227  Xp: 12105757
Gained 1393 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
> pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Yllems parries your attack.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Gnomish Lab Safety Goggles on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2152  Xp: 12107052
Gained 1295 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
pk2 yllems
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Gauntlets of War on Yllems.
You damage the Dragon Helmet on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1077  Xp: 12108435
Gained 1383 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
You damage the Storm Dragoness Armour on Yllems.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2  Xp: 12109779
Gained 1344 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Not enough gps for Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Not enough gps for Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You do not have enough guild points to palm a Mana Potion.
You palm .
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
pk2 yllems
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 6427  Xp: 12111138
Gained 1359 Xp
Your intended target is not around.
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> n
pk2 yllems
North East Corner of the Field [s,sw,w].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You throw Yllems off balance, cancelling his action.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 5352  Xp: 12112429
Gained 1291 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> pk2 yllems
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Gnomishly Dragon Enchanted Swan Cloak on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 4277  Xp: 12113725
Gained 1296 Xp
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3202  Xp: 12115091
Gained 1366 Xp
> buryof
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 3227  Xp: 12115091
Gained 0 Xp
Burying triggers disabled.
[Templars] Radis :Iron Halfling: is yllems afk?
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 2152  Xp: 12116411
Gained 1320 Xp
pk2 yllems
Your intended target is not around.
Your intended target is not around.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> s
pk2 yllems
Eastern Edge of the Field [n,s,sw,w,nw].
Yllems is here.
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems slightly.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
The wind hits Yllems hard, slowing him down immensely.
You damage the Emerald Spinnel on Yllems.
Hp: 3300  Gp: 1077  Xp: 12117807
Gained 1396 Xp
pk2 yllems
[Cast] Lightning Rampage.
[Cast] Zephyrs Breath.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> p
You palm a Mana Potion.
You uncork the bottle, at the same time literally smelling the power contained within.  You take a gulp, feeling the weight and thickness of the
liquid as it rolls slowly down your throat.
 Immediately afterwards, your mental awareness increases drastically and you feel ready to use your brain to its fullest capacity yet again.
Oh no.
> pk2 yllems
You are already casting an attack spell.
You are already casting a miscellaneous spell.
You have no place to add a defense.
You have no place to add a defense.
> Your attack glances off Yllems.
Your attack glances off Yllems.
The blue dragon scale begins to exude a field of magical energy.
[Spell] Lightning Rampage ---> Yllems
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You jolt Yllems.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You shock Yllems severely.
Yllems's swarm absorbs some of the damage.
You rattle Yllems's brain.
You summon a mighty storm to attack Yllems.
Yllems is flung out of the room as a strong gust hits him.
You killed Yllems.