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Tested only with Zmud version 5.55.
Please mud-mail me questions, comments or suggestions.

Raid Triggers:
Example Room [n,e,s,w].
	Description:	The most important raid trigger. This stores your location in
			the variable 'room', and the room's exits in the variable
			'roomdirs'. This trigger doesn't seem to work with earlier
			versions of zmud.

Pattern:	&room &%x{roomdirs}].
Commands:	#if (@room = "") {room = %line2}
Class:		raid

You killed Person.
Pattern:	^You killed &Name.
Commands:	org @has killed @Name at @room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs]
Class: raid Person deals you the final blow, and the world fades Pattern: &Name deals you the final blow, and the world fades Commands: org @has been killed by @Name at @room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs] Class: raid Teleporting Person drags you through a magical vortex Pattern: &Name drags you through a magical vortex Commands: #wait 200 org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has been tped by %^YELLOW%^@Name%^RESET%^ to @room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs] Class: raid Person2 disappears in a puff of smoke. Person1 disappears in a puff of smoke. Pattern: &Name disappears in a puff of smoke. Commands: #if (%ends(%line2, "disappears in a puff of smoke.")) {org %^YELLOW%^@Name%^WHITE%^ has been tped away by %^YELLOW%^%remove(" disappears in a puff of smoke.", %line2)%^RESET%^ from @room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs]} Class: raid Locating You spot Person at Location. Pattern: ^You spot &{Name} at &{Place}. Commands: org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^spots %^YELLOW%^@Name %^WHITE%^at %^YELLOW%^@Place%^WHITE%^ from Iapage. Class: raid You feel that someone is watching you. Pattern: ^You feel that someone is watching you. Commands: org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has been located from KT. I'm at %^RESET%^@room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs] Class: raid You suddenly get the feeling that you are being watched! Pattern: ^You suddenly get the feeling that you are being watched! Commands: org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has been located from Iapage. I'm at %^RESET%^@room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs] Class: raid You get the feeling that someone is looking at you from afar. Pattern: ^You get the feeling that someone is looking at you from afar. Commands: org @%^WHITE%^BOLD%^has been located from Madagor. I'm at %^RESET%^@room %^GREEN%^@roomdirs] Class: raid
Raid Aliases:
raid_on Usage: 'raid_on' Description: Enables raid triggers. #t+ raid #ECHO Raid triggers enabled. raid_off Usage: 'raid_off' Description: Disables raid triggers. #t- raid #ECHO Raid triggers disabled. Back