Tested only with Zmud version 5.55. Please mud-mail me questions, comments or suggestions. Aliases:
tp_pk Usage: 'tp_pk Epicar' Description: Teleports to the target, follows, and executes the pk alias when you are able to cast again. #SHOW %ansi(brown,bold)tp_pk %1 tp %1 #SHOW %ansi(green)You prepare to give %proper(%1) the aerial beatdown. Tp_target = %1 Tp_bombing = 1 Tp_scattering = 0 Tp_following = 1 tp_scatter Usage: 'tp_scatter Epicar' Description: Teleports to the target, follows, and casts scatter when you are able to cast again. #SHOW %ansi(brown,bold)tp_scatter %1 tp %1 #SHOW %ansi(green)You prepare to scatter %proper(%1) around the realms. Tp_target = %1 Tp_bombing = 0 Tp_scattering = 1 Tp_following = 1 tp_follow Usage: 'tp_follow Epicar' Description: Teleports to the target and follows. #SHOW %ansi(brown,bold)tp_follow %1 tp %1 #SHOW %ansi(green)You prepare to chase %proper(%1) around the realms. Tp_target = %1 Tp_bombing = 0 Tp_scattering = 0 Tp_following = 1Triggers:Weaving the energies of the air, you create a maelstorm of wind to swirl about you Pattern: ^Weaving the energies of the air, you create a maelstorm of wind to swirl about you Commands: #if (@Tp_following = 1) {follow @Tp_target} #if (@Tp_bombing = 1) {kill @Tp_target} Class: tp After this period of rest, your mind feels capable of casting again Pattern: ^After this period of rest, your mind feels capable of casting again Commands: #if (@Tp_bombing = 1) {pk @Tp_target} #if (@Tp_scattering = 1) {cast scatter @Tp_target} Tp_bombing = 0 Tp_scattering = 0 Tp_following = 0 Tp_target = "" Class: tp A mystical barrier prevents you from teleporting. Pattern: ^A mystical barrier prevents you from teleporting. Commands: #if (@Tp_target) {#SHOW %ansi(red,bold)Looks like %proper(@Tp_target) is hiding.} Tp_bombing = 0 Tp_scattering = 0 Tp_following = 0 Tp_target = "" Class: tp Your target is not visible to your senses. Pattern: ^Your target is not visible to your senses. Commands: #if (@Tp_target) {#SHOW %ansi(red,bold)Looks like %proper(@Tp_target) is hiding.} Tp_bombing = 0 Tp_scattering = 0 Tp_following = 0 Tp_target = "" Class: tp Back