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Tested only with Zmud version 5.55.
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Trigger: {@friend_list} Commands: #CW cyan,bold Class: names Trigger: {@orgmate_list} Commands: #CW grey,bold Class: names Trigger: {@target_list} Commands: #CW red,bold Class: names Person enters the Realms of the Dragon Description: Plays a sound when a member of your friend, orgmate, or target list logs on. Also highlights the message depending according to which list the person belongs. Important Note: When you create this trigger, click on the 'Options' tab right above where the trigger's pattern is shown. UNCHECK the box next to 'Trigger on Trigger'. If you can't figure this out, DON'T use this trigger, or it will result in a trigger loop and could crash zmud. I found that out the 'fun' way. Pattern: %1 enters the Realms of the Dragon Commands: #var Name %remove(~[,%1) #if %ismember(@Name,@friend_list) {#beep #gag #SHOW ~[%ansi(cyan,bold)@Name enters the Realms of the Dragon%ansi(grey)~]} #if %ismember(@Name,@target_list) {#beep #gag #SHOW ~[%ansi(red,bold)@Name enters the Realms of the Dragon%ansi(grey)~]} #if %ismember(@Name,@orgmate_list) {#beep #gag #SHOW ~[%ansi(white)@Name enters the Realms of the Dragon%ansi(grey)~]} Person tells you/asks you Description: Plays a sound when someone sends you a tell. Also, if the person is a member of one of your lists, 'tells you/asks you' is highlighted in that lists color. Create a trigger for each of the patterns, and give them all the same commands. Pattern: ^&%w{Name} {tells|asks} you Commands: #cw underline #if %ismember(@Name,@friend_list) {#cw cyan,bold} #if %ismember(@Name,@target_list) {#cw red,bold} #if %ismember(@Name,@orgmate_list) {#cw white} #PLA notify.wav Sorry, Person is already dead! Description: Removes dead people from your list of targets, so you don't keep spamming them. Pattern: ^Sorry, &%w{Name} is already dead! Commands: #if %ismember(@Name, @target_list) {#unt %1 names_targets #var target_list %delitem(%1,@target_list)} Person follows you. Description: Loses people that shouldn't be following you. Pattern: ^&%w{Name} follows you. Commands: #if (%ismember(@Name,@orgmate_list) or %ismember(@Name,@friend_list) or @Name = "Elemental" or @Name = "Someone") {} {lose @Name} #if (@Name = "Someone") {lose} Syntax: lose < [ Person1 | Person2 | Person3... ] | all > Description: For losing people that follow you when they're invis. Pattern: ^Syntax: lose < ~[ &Followers ~] | all > Commands: count = %numitems(@Followers) #loop @count {Name = %replace(%item(@Followers, %{i}), " ", "") #if (%ismember(@Name, @friend_list) or %ismember(@Name, @orgmate_list)) {} {lose @Name}} Back