The Mystery of the Rancor
One of the most elusive cryptids, the Rancor is generally described as a thin, pale creature with an intense hatred of the human race. Distinguishing features include a leather hat, slouching posture, and a wispy, pathetic attempt at a goatee. Sightings are usually restricted to northeastern South Dakota. Several years ago, fishermen off the coast of Greenland pulled aboard what they thought was the carcass of the Rancor, but later studies revealed that it was simply a dead walrus.
These photographs, taken by Amanda Alberts of Aberdeen, South Dakota, are the only known photographic evidence of the Rancor and are hotly debated among the cryptozoology community. Some experts claim it is only the illegitimate lovechild of Bill Nye The Science Guy and Alessandro Nivola. Another scientist claims that it's swamp gas, but nobody listens to him.
Rock art found in the island nation of Rand McNally that may portray the Rancor.