The Mistaken Extinction by Lowell Dingus and Timothy Rowe
In the Presence of Dinosaurs by John Colagrande and Larry Felder (illustrator)
Feathered Dinosaurs by Christopher Sloan And Philip J. Currie
Dinosaurs! Biggest, Baddest, Strangest, Fastest by Howard Zimmerman and George Olshevsky
The Scientific American Book of Dinosaurs by Gregory S. Paul (editor)
The Little Giant Book of Dinosaurs by Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. and Terry Riley (illustrator)
Jurassic Park Institute by Thomas R. Holtz, Jr., Micheal Brett-Surman, and Robert Walters (illustrator)
More books my be added as the FDS Administrative Office becomes aware of them. If you know of any that are not included here, feel free to notify me.