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My my my , Well this is me and Devin. We are bestest friends. We have so much in common and always have fun together. We like to go pet shopping, to the mall, get piercings together, drive around with music up really loud, talk about girls..hahahaha, plan things then never follow through with them, we always spend money(neverfails), and we love to eat chinese all the time. We always have fun though, no matter where we are. Devin knows alot about horses and Dogs. She has a bulldog named Cocoa (Loco Ponoco!) and Cinny her quarterhouse. She used to have fushies but i think they all died..hehehe. She also has spike her female breaded dragon. We have alot of memories together and although we don't get to hang out as much anymore like we did in High school i want her to know that i will always be there for her and that we will always be friends.

LOL... CRAZY!!!!

Devin with her crazy faces that she does all the time but doesn't realize it till now!!!

She is beyond obessed with this dog!!! Loco poco cocoa.(did i get it right?)

Well,.... um devin we don't know whats on your mind but we know Kevin is the innocent by stander!!!!


Thats not Pepsi, Its Pepsi Twist and thats not Brittany its a man!

HAHAHA Devin Droppin Elbows in the Morning Right BEFORE SCHOOL in the school parking lot!!!!

Devin being like the Croc Hunter with Spike!

Lil Spike is no longer lil spike and is now BIG HUGE BUTT SPIKE!!!

This is Devin and her lil baby HUGE Spike!