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My Fish Tanks

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My 55 Gallon

This is how my 55 gallon was set up when i had my African Cichlids back at home.
I had yellow labs, Daffadill Brichardis, Kenyis, Zebras, Peacocks, other Haplichromises, lemon cichlids, Calvises, three plecos, and four line cat.

Amazon Biotype

I have turned my 55 Gallon into a Amazon Biotype tank. I have three angels, one discus, various different tetras, myist cats, cory cats,
and two otos. I used to have a black angel, a cockatoo dwarf cichlid, and another discus but they all died unfortantly.
The water is very acidic and soft. It has some live plants but i will have to get new light bulbs for plants to grow.

My five Gallon tank

This is my five gallon aquarium that i used to keep baby cichlids in till they were big enough to be keep with the older ones... but now i use it for my Black Calvis. I'll soon update some pictures of him so stay tooned.
