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This is just some FF8 fan art that I've done in my spare time. Click the thumbnail for the larger version.

I did this drawing of Selphie in June, '01. I realized I hadn't drawn anything of her yet, and since I had a little crush on her (yes, my first girl-crush, gimme a break, I'm seventeen), I decided to do this. Inspired by a picture I found online, I made a stick-person sketch from the computer monitor and went to my bedroom to finish it. It didn't turn out as nice as I'd hoped (her legs are a little too long and the smudging's not very nice), but I'm pretty happy with it. It only took me an hour, anyways.


This is an illustration for Fire Petals, chapter 4, when Squall falls asleep at Rinoa's bedside and dreams of her. I like it, considering it came completely from my mind, but I'm really angry with myself for forgetting to draw those blue things on Rinoa's arms. I didn't notice the mistake until a month after I drew it. Someday I'll fix it, really . . .


Awwww . . . the famous hug scene after Rinoa's rescue on disc 3. To draw this, I videotaped the scene and used the handy-dandy-frame-by-frame-switcher-thingie on my remote to get to the right frame, and sat in my mom's old rocking chair. Unfortunately, I had to stop every once in a while to rewind and find the right frame again when the VCR decided to un-pause on me. It was a pain in the butt, but it was worth it. I'm very happy with this one.


This is an illustration for the Breaking Point chapter of Larathia's amazing story, Griever, in which Squall is being held captive and . . . tortured. If you want more of an explanation, read the story. You can get to her website from my links page.
This drawing came completely from my mind (as in I looked at nothing to help me), and took me eight hours to finish. I'm very satisfied with it, and am proud of the shading. If only I'd done a background, though.


Yay me! This is my very first real attempt at drawing/sketching something on my 'puter (done @ 5:00 a.m.), and I've only got regular Windows Paint, nothing specail. Oh, it's Squall's eye, btw :) (July 18, 2001)


My second attempt, done right after the first. I don't really know what to say about this . . . same everything as the first. Oh ya, what really sux it that I'm left handed, but having grown up using the mouse with my right, I'm better with my right. It's weird having to draw with my right hand instead of my left . . . If only I had started out using my left *sigh* oh well. (July 18, 2001)

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