Healing Hand of Fatima
(Healing humor)
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King Fatima, a Pharaoh of Egypt’s Old Kingdom, wore a spiral medallion
around his neck, which gave him great power and wisdom. Once when he leaned
over the fire, the medallion fell in. He reached into the fire to save the
medallion. The symbol of the spiral was branded perfectly on his hand, but
with no injury. Sadly the medallion was destroyed, but Fatima’s powers
remained. He soon realized that the power of the medallion came not from the
object itself, but from the symbol of the spiral upon it… just kidding.
Actually that was the impromptu story invented by the LQP resident humorist
when asked about the meaning of the Hand of Fatima. Why admit ignorance when
one can spin such a good story at a moment’s notice? Actually, the Hand
of Fatima is a talismanic symbol with an eye on the palm, which turns away
evil thoughts. It is frequently conflated with Healing Hand (the hand with
the spiral), and their two meanings of protection and healing intermesh. After
all, humor is healing, is it not? Made from glazed red earthenware clay, the
back of this limited edition piece displays the artist's signature stamp and
the LQP chop mark. Left 2" high, right 1 5/8".