Welcome to the Derby Masters Homepage
Derby Masters was created by Cody Zilverberg

Derby Masters is a computer strategy game written entirely in Java. In the game, you take on the role of a racehorse owner, and it is your job to make thedecisions on which horses will be kept for breeding stock and which horses willstep onto the track. To be truly successful, you must have an excellent staffcomprised of a horse trainer and jockeys. They will give you advice and helpyou compete against the computer-controlled owners.
Instructions for downloading
1. The first step is to download and install the JRE. If you already have aJRE that is version 1.2 or above, you can try to use your current one.However, Derby Masters has only been tested on Windows 98 machine running theJRE 1.2.2. You will be offered a choice between the internationalizedand non-internationalized versions. The internationalized version is notnecessary for Derby Masters, but either choice will work. I STRONGLY recommend using the default installation because it may simplify things in step 2.
For Windows
For Others
If the above links do not work, look for the JRE or JDK for your particularsystem at java.sun.com.
2. Download Derby Masters for your particular system (you may need to right-click on the link). When the file is completely downloaded, double click on the file to install Derby Masters. The install file should create icons for you on your "Start" menu if you are using Windows 95/98/NT.
Other ReadMe
The links above no longer work. Therefore, you will either have to proceed to step 2a or request that I email the self-extracting file to you. You contact me at cjzilverberg@hotmail.com.
If you recieve an error that says "This program will not run in MS-DOS mode" while installing,you will need to use the Derby.zip file instead. The following instructions apply only if you encounter an error while installing.
2a. You may delete the file you just downloaded in step 2. Download and extract the following zip file instead.
2b. Set your path. To do this, open the file autoexec.bat with Notepad. It is probably at the location c:\autoexec.bat.
2c. If there is a line that reads "path sometexthere", change it to read "path sometexthere;C:\jdkpath\Bin" where jdkpath is the directory where you installed the file from step one.For example, if you followed the default installation for step 1, the new line would read "path sometexthere;C:\progra~1\javasoft\jre\1.2\Bin".
If there is no line that begins with the word "path", add a line that reads "path C:\jdkpath\BIN" where jdkpath is the directory where you installed the file from step one.For example, if you installed it to the directory C:\jdk1.2.2, the new line would read "path C:\JDK1.2.2\BIN".
2d. Save and close autoexec.bat.
2e. Restart the computer.
2f. To run the game, open an MS-DOS window and switch to the directory where you unzipped the Derby Masters file.
2g. Type "cd DM".
2h. Type "run".
This is the final version! However, updates will still be made. Email me if you have any comments or suggestions.
-Cody Zilverberg
October 19, 1999