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Ron Adams
Webmaster Freedom search engine submission

In the Spirit of Freedom, we start this web site as a gathering place for people searching, questioning their path. Many of us have grown up Christian, disillusioned by our churches, and struggle with unanswerable questions. Have you had this kind of crisis in your life?

There comes a time in one's life where religion, politics, belief, friendships fall away because none of it works anymore. This stripping away is a very deep, personal journey. We want to call upon you to come visit our site and our future message board site on Talk City, where we can share such spiritual journey's toward's enlightenment.

By enlightenment, we mean finding insight, love and compassion, a renewal that we all are seeking in life. So do you have a story or two? Great!

The symbol of the Eagle is one of freedom, liberation, and new vision. Perhaps your story isn't necessarily about religion. Maybe it is about something else that you have discovered is important in your life. Any way it happens, come share with us. These websites and message boards will be built by us, the community. It will contain urls that we feel helped us find our way. We might share personal theories, like "Spiritual Discontent" or "Scientifics" findings that helped us through the dark times.

Your suggestions and opinions are helpful and wanted. See you on the other side!

Freedom's Chronicle--Talk City Message Board

You Probably have to sign up with Talk City first, for this link to take you directly to the page! It is called Freedom's Chronicle, and is listed under Religion/Spirituality clubs.

My Favorite Web Sites

Freedom's Liberty
Freedom's Light
Freedom's Way
Freedom's Love
Osho's Website
New Civilization Network
Panzspar's Xanga Site
Crowned and Conquering Child

My Favorite things about Networking.
