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Freedom's Light

Ron Adams

Freedom's Light

The Light of Freedom has been a rallying cry to many people in many nations. When the masses first sought freedom, the theocracy of the rich thought they were rabble-rousers. Who could believe that people could want freedom, when the aristocracy gave them everything freely: education, housing, work, laws, and punishment if they disobeyed those laws. The rich and the few ruled the many, and they viewed the many as ignorant. Political development was rather slow. Kings and Queens ruled for a millenium, and then came Parliments, and now the masses of people yearning to be free would attempt to rule in the light of Democracy.

As we shed light on ancient truths, conflict in ideas arose, like the idea of the Republic or the idea of Communism. The Republic wanted to keep the best of the old age of aristocracy, saying that the few and the wise were chosen to lead the masses. Communists wanted to take man's greed and ignorance out of it, and make people equal, having the state run the business that met the people's need: education, farming, housing industry, police, politicians, etc. Ultimately these two systems were more alike than different.

What is the path of Freedom and were does it lead us? How has freedom helped you in your story? Many people think that slavery is wrong, and discrimination in any form is slavery. We have had a long, and intersting history around Freedom and Slavery.

Freedom's Chronicle--Talk City Message Board

You Probably have to sign up with Talk City first, for this link to take you directly to the page! It is called Freedom's Chronicle, and is listed under Religion/Spirituality clubs.

My Favorite Web sites

Freedom's Liberty
Freedom's Way
Freedom's Love
Dancing on a Moon Beam Path
Crystal Raven's Nest
Gay Trance-formation
Loving the Same Sex History Library

My Favorite Things About Light
