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Freedom's Way

Ron Adams

Freedom's Way

The Way to Freedom is a potent path. People throughout the ages have tried to undo injustice, and bring equality, to end hate and discrimination, to raise people to an enlightened state. Many people have resisted this Way, rather comforted by the old ways of slavery and ignorance. It is comfortable, to be told what to do. It is fearful to confront the unknown.

To find one's way in life is part of the evolution of our species as Humanity. Was it scarey for you to begin to step out and find your own truth about life? Were you resigned, discontent, malcontent, did some meaning event push you into this realm of the unknown?

Sometimes the path to freedom is beyond the normal possibilities. Thinking outside the box, the cultural norm, and perhaps exploring new spiritual paths are important. How has it been for you?

Freedom's Chronicle--Talk City Message Board

You Probably have to sign up with Talk City first, for this link to take you directly to the page! It is called Freedom's Chronicle, and is listed under Religion/Spirituality clubs.

My Favorite Web sites

Freedom's Liberty
Freedom's Light
Freedom's Love
Freedom Wall of Grafitti
Sunwolf's Den
Conspiracy Net Forum
HerbalVisions Spiritual Friends

My Favorite Things About Finding My Way
