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Matching Hex Code Colors:
Background Color - #FFFFFF
Text Color - #756F6A
Link Text - #666666
Active Link Text - #756F6A
Visited Link Text - #333333
Button Text - #756F6A

Button Text - Brock Script
Body Text - Arial

Link Button

This set is "Linkware" NOT FREEWARE! you must place a link back to Graphics by Art on each and every page you use this set on using the link button provided in this set. This set is for use on personal homepages only. All graphics are copyright by Graphics By Art.

This set cannot be downloaded. If you would like to use this set, you will need to go HERE and register it. Once you register it, I will send you the set in a zip file. The zip file will include all the graphics for the set, the HTML code, and instructions on how to set it up.