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Here you will find out how to make simple STONE TEXT in PSP 6
You need a basic knowledge of how to use layers to do this tutorial. If you have any questions let me know and I will help you.
STEP 1: Open a new image with the following settings:
Width: Size to fit the text.
Height: Size to fit the text.
Background Color: Transparent.
Image Type: 16.7 Million Colors (24 bit)
Click OK
STEP 2: Add a new layer to the image - Layers>New Raster Layer w/ the following settings:
Name: default or rename it if you wish.
Blend Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100
Group: 0
Layer Is Visible: Checked
Click OK
STEP 3: Add Text - click on the TEXT ICON on tool bar then click on the new image. Use the following settings:
Choose Font Type. I used Arial Black, Size 48, Bold (You can use whatever you want but remember the thicker the better.
Size: To fit new image
Color: Gray
Antialias: UNchecked
Floating: Checked
Auto Kern: UNchecked
Type in Text you want.
Click OK
Center Text in image by dragging it.
STEP 4: Fill Text with stone pattern:
Open the stone.gif image (download the image below)
While text is still selected, click on the FLOOD FILL ICON in the tool bar. Use the following settings:
Fill Style: Pattern
Blend Mode: Normal
Match Mode: RGB Value
Pattern Source: stone
Click on the text to fill it with the pattern

Click on the image to save it to your computer.
STEP 5: Bevel Text:
Go to Image>Effects>Inner Bevel with the following settings:
Presets: Angled
Bevel: Use Default
Width: 4
Image Smoothness: 0
Image Depth: 1
Image Ambience: -8
Image Shininess: 0
Light Color: White
Light Angle: 315
Light Intensity: 60
Light Elevation: 25
Click OK
STEP 6: Saving the Image:
Flood fill the background layer with the color or pattern of your choice.
Merge Layers: Layers>Merge All (Flatten)
Save the image and your done.

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